
Are we going to get anymore Bruce Willis kino?
It seems unlikely Any Forumsbros… I know two directors from his recent low-budget, low-profile films shot in LA and all they could talk about was the dude’s dementia. Apparently it’s an open secret
Disney cancelled Die Hard 6 due to this but officially stated it’s because they won’t make R rated movies after acquiring Fox (even with the next Deadpool in production)

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Probably Brain parasites from eating pussy all those years

He has some kind of early onset dementia. He's making all those microwave movies to set his wife up financially. Think he's too far gone to Robin Williams himself out of the consequences so we'll see him pull back from the public eye at some point.

my exgfs mother had early onset dementia with 60, 6 months after being diagnosed she couldnt dress herself anymore, let alone cook or walk around outside, 9 months later she was dead.
also, youre trying to start a rumour here, arent you?

The last couple of die hard sequels were embarrassing.

>He has some kind of early onset dementia.

I couldn’t really believe it at first but others noticed it years ago. Makes sense now why he fell off from the mainstream

brucebros... im not feeling too good.

It's so open of a secret at this point. In the past month, I saw Guardian comments about it. The Guardian is the lowest form of media for neolib semen-slurping drones (and us rubberneckers), so if they're talking about it, it's over.

This video was elder abuse

Attached: bruce rlm.png (568x416, 345.24K)

Bruce Willis
more like
Abuse Willies

Mike is a senior citizen so it's not discrimination.

its actually really sad and that recent RLM video is really tone deaf. not even a pearl clutcher but its painfully obvious the guy is just trying to leave his kids' and kids kids as much as he can before his brain totally gives

Are they even aware he’s got early onset Alzheimer’s?

seems like they just thought he's being lazy or something really oblivious like that. You can watch him for 5 seconds in any his recent movies and realize he's not all there.

thats fucked then..

You should be legally allowed to receive lethal injection if you've got dementia, it's the most horrifying disease I can think of and I've watched several people I knew go through it. If I got it I'd want to be killed before it got too bad and I started shitting myself and getting angry when someone tried to change my diaper or bathe me.

4 was passable but 5 was fucking awful, yes.

the worst part of it is if you feel your mind slipping, but after its gone its no problem for you anymore but your relatives will suffer.

It's fucking spooky bro. This article (I know it's the New Shit Times but their editorials aren't all garbage) made me set up a plan in case I get some terminal illness like dementia is.
I can't imagine seeing Bruce Willis of all people drooling in a power chair while his wife smizes during some video interview on the Today show talking about how he's powering through. But I bet it'll happen.

man my grandma's got dementia really bad now to the point where she thinks i'm my uncle, it's like everything after her 30s was zapped out of existence. when she's not shitting herself she's having angry nonsensical outbursts. it's horrific. i wouldn't advocate putting her down because that's her choice, but i hope to god i get a chance to off myself if i develop the same thing

The worst is when they are immigrants who picked up English as a second language. My grandma lost her ability to speak English over time because she learned it later in life, and could only speak her native language. It does seem to erase your memories backwards.