What future civilizations will think after digging up all the unsold Finn action figures?

What future civilizations will think after digging up all the unsold Finn action figures?

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>what the hell is this, some kinda plastic lawn jockey??

>buy 100 of them for a buck
>leave them in random people's mailboxes

>shiiieeet das jus like me!

>future archaeologist walks up to podium
>american culture was centered around-


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>This must be a temple where people placed votive offerings. Wow, This figure must have been very popular around here!
>Not just here, we found places like this all over the world, all with the same fertile looking black man. Very curious!

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Toy Story 2 remake?

what currency is that

Imagine what they'll think when they find George Floyd's murals and statues.

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100$ per shitty figure

Didn't God himself destroy the mural

Is that just a big 3d print spray painted gold?

It's poetic really.

Yes, struck by lightning. Fucking hilarious

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Dey was hea

>all those unsold George Floyd dolls

>a polymer statue of n'gger, the god of the amyrykan civilization. N'gger's name was holy, and saying or writing it carried severe social punishments.

I reckon I could fit a fair few of them in my ass

Do you know what will never not be the darkest, most depressing humor in the whole Saint Floyd clownshit we had to live through?

It's not some random drugged-up nigger dying in the street, and it's not a literal innocent man going to jail for life, it's not the golden casket that was paid for by the government, and it's not the billions in cash that changed hands because this dude died.

It's the fact that of all the people to become a fucking worldwide martyr and be immortalized in statues, paintings, videos, and effigies everywhere on the planet, it had to be the most stereotypical big-lipped, wide-nose, monkey-looking nigger you could possibly find. The fact that if you showed all of the artwork and shit people made of him at any other time in my life, I would unironically not be able to tell you if you were showing me a racist caricature of a stereotypical ghetto negro. In fact, I'm still not sure.

None of it would work nearly as well if it was just a fucking normal-looking person, but it had to be this dude, who's face is basically a racist meme on it's own.

True fact, when I was in the Akihabara Donqi, the clearance bin was mostly Finn toys

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You know what's even crazier?
Foreign countries are prosecuting criticism of the new black pope
Brits, Canadians, New Zealanders, getting legally punished for making fun of a foreign criminal.

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>Brits, Canadians, New Zealanders, getting legally punished for making fun of a foreign criminal
UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are not really "countries", they're all subsidiaries of the World Economic Forum and Davos. Talking about them as if they were their own sovereign nations with the ability to think and act differently is a big mischaracterization of them as entities.

If the Globohomo Jew says "Worship blacks", then you can bet your fucking bank that UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand will have bills drafted codifying that into law within the hour.

What we all know. That the Americans worship Africans

I've not been to Japan so I obviously can't comment on it in general but like...would anyone expect a fucking toy of a black dude to sell at all in fucking Japan? I can't imagine that would ever happen. Who would even be the market for that?