Was the whole movie a dream?

Attached: Nancy falls asleep in class.webm (1920x1080, 2.91M)

why was she so sleepy?

Teens in the 80s were doing so much coke and not sleeping that Freddy had to possess a gay teen just to kill people!

nah, I saw it too. it's definitely a real film

She had one of those strange faces where all the elements were odd on their own but combined produced a very unique sort of beauty

I never really understood, what are the rules of the universe? he can only kill you when you’re sleeping? in whose dream does the very last scene happen?

The "rules" are never explicitly spelled out, but basically he can only kill people in their dreams. The last scene is confusing. I guess it has to be Nancy's dream if we are to believe the previous scenes were not already in a dream.

No, that's just how public schools are.

>Wes does a good ending
>studio Jews force him to make the new ending where it’s ambiguous if freddy is defeated
>causing a reshoot that looks bad even for it’s time

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As someone on the younger side (25) one of the more amusing elements of Nightmare was watching Nancy drink caffeine and take stay-up pills (speed?) to avoid sleeping. Johnny Depp’s “upside-down bed” pool of blood also sticks out to my mind

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Wes wanted a Nancy kills Freddy and then she wakes up to find everything that happened in the movie was a nightmare the hook nose Robert Shaye said no, he demanded a twist ending and a movie that could lead to more sequels despite Wes saying that isn’t what he wanted

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Caffeine pills were a staple of teens of the 80s and 90s, especially if someone was trying to murder and/or rape you in your sleep.

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Very interesting, I figured something was up with Robert Shaye producing every Nightmare movie but it makes sense now. He could’ve had a one-off cult classic on Craven’s terms but decided to simultaneously turn it into a successful franchise and laughing stock. It really helped New Line but not Freddy obviously

What's strange about her face?

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weird buck teeth and piggy nose

no. if they did that then we would never get nightmare on elm Street 3.
so fuck anyone that wanted the first to be a dream.

and we would have never gotten freddy vs jason so fuck off.

Fine I only really like the original and dream warriors anyway

I love fish mouth girls so much bros

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