Tfw no Teri Garr in her prime wifey to come home to

>tfw no Teri Garr in her prime wifey to come home to

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Lisa Kudrow of the 70s and 80s

Garr is one of the earliest women I remember finding beautiful, like at 5 or 6 years old, after seeing her in Mr Mom and Oh God. First one I remember liking at all was the sister with the glasses on Life Goes On

same bro same.
shes both gorgeous and has a very mommy quality where as i kid i saw her on the screen and immediately fantasized about her breastfeeding me. like i was both attracted to her and wanted her to be my mommy at the same time, which was a weird combination of feelings to have as a young man

You liked Kellie Martin as Becca.

i mean she did play Phoebe's mom on Friends which was some damn genius casting

doesnt it feel like she played the wife in every other comedy of the 80s?

She had a very "mom" vibe, like her panickiness and worrying seemed very authentic, and in every movie she's in some guy married to her is having to try to calm her down (see link above) and that feels very authentic the husband/wife dynamic I saw with my parents, at least. Ironically, she never had kids of her own irl, just adopted a child her husband already had

She hated the job in After Hours. It's late. I imagine it could be boring.

Attached: Terri Garr - After Hours.jpg (1000x564, 41.77K)

i keep meaning to rewatch that like half the 80s actresses i had a crush is in that fuckin movie (Teri, O'Hara, Arquette, Foirentino

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Oh, God!
Close Encounters
One From the Heart
Witches Brew
Mr. Mom
A Perfect Little Murder
Stranger in the Family
Mom and Dad Save the World
Aliens for Breakfast

It's because she always was playing the wife in every 80s movie, lol

was about to tell you you left out harry and the hendersons but googled it first so i didnt look like an idiot just to make sure. wtf couldnt sworn it was her, turns out it was the other blonde from Close Encounters, maybe thats what mixed me up

Attached: harry-hendersons-movie1.jpg (1200x800, 234.36K)

Forgot Out Cold, Short Time, and Waiting for the Light. Wife or mom in all of those, too

Elvis almost certainly tapped dat when she was a backup dancer in one of his movies.

I fucking LOVE Harry and the Hendersons, watched a hundred times as a kid

>Out Cold
i really like that one, very underrated dark comedy, her and Lithgow are great in it. and Randy Quaid has some great scenes even though hes not in it too much, seems like a lost 80s gem most people never seen

remember Short Time being a fun one too actually, Dabney Coleman was always a comfy figure for me in films because he reminds me of my dad

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If she had a son and named it Nee.
Would his name be pronounced 'African American'?

i rewatched it recently (first time since i was a kid) i forgot how good it was. it made me tear up at the end i found it so touching. god modern movies wish they had as much soul and were as much fun as movies from that era
Nee would probably be good friends with Nick

I love Dabney too, I mean the guy's name is "Dabney", how do you not love that lol
One of my most vivid 90s memories is him meeting Humpty Hump on the show Drexel's Class