No one wants to watch the twilight twink pretend to be a detective dressed as a bat for 3 hours

No one wants to watch the twilight twink pretend to be a detective dressed as a bat for 3 hours

Attached: The-Batman-Movie-Poster-Riddler-Eyeball.jpg (740x1096, 118.02K)

He’s a good actor

I do, faggot

I do

He’s a bad actor. I couldn’t care less

You have to be 18+ to post here.

itll be kino

If you keep repeating this it might be true

>No one wants to watch the twilight twink pretend to be a detective dressed as a bat for 3 hours
I'll save you the time... Le Riddler did it!

>rich bad white people Waynes narrative
>negro catwoman
>negro gordon
>negro character to tell Batman to check his white privelege
>Riddler is just the Zodiac Killer
yepp I will skip this one

Gonna be funny when this is a hit and Any Forums is scrambling again

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watch the bat emerge from his cave, revel his arrival as he conquers the bottomless pit, its been too long and your patience is welcomed. Weve drawn a contention however, theres not enough room on this planet for the both of us. Ive fattened up my calfs and graced them with splendors otherwise unattainable. An exchange that absolves guilt for the graceful slaughter begins, times begin anew

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Just terrible
Bring back Snyder and Ben

Attached: batman_standalone_film_starring_and_directed_by_be_7xv2.0.jpg (1200x800, 150.89K)

>look i'm being contrarian XD

You are the contrarian
No one wants this Batman

Do not redeem The Batman
Bring back Zaddy

Attached: invicible sir.png (854x480, 972.5K)

Uh huh

People under 18 dont even know what twilight is, retard.

My IMAX screening on the 1st is completely booked, and all of the IMAX bookings for the 4th are 80% booked like that user's.

cope and seethe faggot

I do

I don't