DC pajeets have been real fuckin quiet since this was announced

DC pajeets have been real fuckin quiet since this was announced

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After spiderman nwh all pajeets switched side

We have John Cena & The Rock sir

Fuck you

Can't wait for you idiots to be btfo'ed


If Tom is in this do you put him in the final trailer?

DC is doing just fine

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Marvel fans have never been denied anything that our hearts desire. I don't know how to explain it other than, all we do is simply "win".

I-is this r-real?

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Waiting for the Batman

Win? LOL you faggots are stuck with Captain No-Ass. You lose.

China cocksucking faggots

sexy latinas hell yeah

yes, can confirm, my dad works at nintendo

Ay, DiOs Mío! dc illegal immigrants look like THAT???
wat happened to the attractive blonde Supergirl and sexy ginger Batgirl
these rat faced spic goblins make nu-Catwoman look good!

What films are these from??

>"But... but... Brie Larson!"
DCopers need new material.

Do the math: Marvel has over 50 films/tv series, Brie was in one 120 hour film and a 5 minute cameo in Endgame. Wow. Brie is everywhere and in everything and she defeated Thanos single handedly I'm losing my mind aaaaaah!!!!!

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Waste of quads. kys Marvlel.

Don't forget! We got Dubsman, too! He's more powerful than even latinx Superperson!

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Supergirl and Flash

Most people won't be able to tell that he's iron man unless he wears the red suit