Lord of the Bucks

Lord of the Bucks

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Is this whole buck thing some recent meme I missed out on when it was starting out? idgi


Watch this to catch yourself up.

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go back

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>Not being from reddit means having to constantly be monitoring the development of all new meme words

ahhhhh i gotcha now, cheers

go back


It did just appear yesterday, we should give you a break...ing

Its funny how perfectly it fits

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>Naw hear thus, ya uppity nigger, don make me gettout tha Dumbo Dick for ya.

Take that ring out of your bussy playa

>buck breaking
Congrats on your grandpas gay nigger sex

It’s uncanny

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if you really missed out Any Forums when buck breaking got released i geniunly feels sorry.. it was some of the funniest shit ever and it caused sooo much seething that borderline all the BBC posters fucked off for good.. it was that freaking awesome

you really need to catch up and look past Any Forums up on this you will laugh guaranteed

Buck Breaking and BBC spammers are the same btw

There's NO WAY he isn't shitposting right? I would just be absolutely howling with laughter if I could post a tweet like this and have even ten people take me seriously

ooooooooohhhhh lllllooooaaaaarrrrrrdddd

>if you hate this thing it means you are that thing

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Black 'men' might rob people on the street but only White men rape uppity bucks.

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