This is objectively the best Star Wars film, prove me wrong

This is objectively the best Star Wars film, prove me wrong.

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only part i like is the back and forth between Obi-Wan and Jango Fett, but that doesn't make the whole movie good

It's not that great because it's so dialogue heavy and yet all the dialogue is really terribly written. Like everyone chooses the most unnatural way to say everything. It feels like Lucas was trying to emulate a faux Shakespeare style, the sort of way people think a Shakespeare play is written. "Is it not more noble to have the cunning of a wolf than blah blah blah" whatever. I think he also tried to make a lot of the characters wise and be profound because he wanted to capture the magic of Yoda dropping wisdom in Empire Strikes Back since people like lines such as "do or do not, there is no try" but scenes where some kid finds a missing planet don't achieve that level.
Then on top of the bad script, you have really wooden performances from the actors. The way they read their lines is so flat most of the time, so lacking of emotions. Even when Anakin is really horny for Padme, you don't really get a sense of his desperation or his heartbreak because the way he speaks is just so disinterested for the most part. Then when he tries to emote a little, he's stuck saying lines like he wishes he could just wish away his feelings. It's like watching robots talk. Hell, the actual robots in the movie talk with more emotion and personality than the people do.
But that said, I actually like Attack of the Clones. Although the dialogue is bad, there is some clever writing. Even though the "I hate sand" scene is a joke, it's actually a fairly clever way to contrast the two characters and their very different backgrounds even if the dialogue is lacking. A lot of the non-dialogue heavy sequences are well done and entertaining. If it had leaned on those strengths and not on its weak dialogue, it'd be a really great movie. But accepting it for what it is, I'd say it's okay, definitely not as bad as people say.

It's the most unfairly maligned. It's a cool, fun film from end to end. At the very least, more enjoyable than TPM. Arguably some of the best world interaction in the saga.

>"I hate sand" it's actually fairly clever
indeed, because he comes from Tatooine, him hating sand is poignant


Literally just a build up to saying he thought she was soft and beautiful, not just some one off statement, and wouldn't even be remembered were it not for a big reddit meme

Honestly, every prequel is kino. It's time to admit it

I liked the deleted scenes they should have been added back in.

The Hal9000 edit is better

It goes deeper than that. Padme is from a nice, beautiful planet and was raised by rich parents in the upper crust of society, rising to become queen. When she looks back at her past, it's all fond, happy memories of summers where her and her friends would swim out to an island and listen to birds sing. Meanwhile, Anakin was a literal slave on a dirt planet, so when Padme brings up her happy youth, it reminds Anakin about how his childhood was robbed.
Going further, even though he was freed, Anakin really wasn't freed because he's now shackled by the bonds of the Jedi. He's not allowed to do what he wants, be with who he wants, love who he wants, because the Jedi have strict rules that dictate how he lives his life.
You can laugh because "I don't like sand" is a funny line, and I'll agree, it's bad dialogue, but there's more going on in that scene between those two characters than meets the eye.

it is fucking dog shit like everything star wars after empire

I threw up after seeing this movie in the parking lot.
Mainly cause i put way to much butter on my popcorn, and it was too much for my 8 year old body to handle.

Empire sucks.

>Attack of the Boredom

They should've went with the original plan and revealed Jar Jar as a sith lord.

is that the one where padme wears that white skintight suit? then you may just be correct

I cant.

It's 80% enjoyable and 20% terrible.

I can't.

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If people will give the assmilk Harry Potter films 7/8 out of 10 on IMDB just for being Harry Potter and comfy, then this one deserves at least 7+. There is so much terrible dialogue and plot cohesion in fantasy and sci fi but for some reason the PT is reserved a special amount of hate from a very concerted group of fans that refuse to view it in a proper context.

It's a shit film but based George gave us Hershlag tummy so yes it's actually the best.

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Geonosis was honestly one of my favorite cinema experiences growing up. Absolutely crazy.

The first one put me to sleep. I didn't even bother with this saturday morning cartoon cgi fest.