Boomers pissed and shat themselves laughing at this

Boomers pissed and shat themselves laughing at this

Attached: images.jpg (1175x1763, 220.72K)

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where da white wimmen at

And they were right too

Well yeah

Literally no Mel Brooks film is funny.

Harvey Korman was the only good thing in it

The hangman scene is still pretty funny

If you don't you're too stupid to be allowed to walk freely among humans.

Did you there was a Blazing Saddles one-shot manga done to promote the film in Japan?
Well, now you do.

Attached: Blazing-Saddles-Manga.jpg (500x706, 287.8K)


It was a different time

i feel like if we just sat black and white people together and we watched this and some patrice o'neal vs. anthony race conversations we'd get along way the fuck more

then i woke up

>The sheriff is a ni-


Name a funnier film in the last 10 years

anchor man 2, daddys home

Space ball's villian scenes were good.

freddy got fingered

also young frankenstein is funnier to me than saddles but that's opinion. but mostly i get really drunk and high and cry laughing at gene wilder being amazing

Nice Guys

kino scene

Got the chance to see it in theater one midnight at the local Kinoplex. Everyone laughed for all the "Niggers", but when "Kansas City Faggots" dropped there were literal gasps.

>couldn't get made today
Thankfully we live in more civilised time where the amount of freedoms we have has decreased exponentially.