American “humor”

>american “humor”

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you wouldn't get it

> you wouldn’t understand our immaculate toilet humor you dumb bong! trust me

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dumb phoneposter

He said on his iphone

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>technology invented by europeans


Shitting works much better when you lift your legs like in OP's pic.

haha man take big poopy

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It was a different time

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If you can't appreciate Dumb and Dumber for being the best example of crass juvenile "I'm 13 years old and this is hilarious" type humour, I don't know what to tell you. You wanna watch Barry Lyndon, go watch Barry Lyndon.

Dumb and dumber >>>>>> american pie

This type of humor is so dated. Where's the on the nose political references to race and gender?

That's in Ace Ventura. Finkle is Einhorn

Barry Lyndon is basically just a big crass juvenile joke for 13 year olds pretending to be high class, it would unironically work well with Dumb and Dumber as a double-bill.

Barry Lyndon is absolute peak cinema and I'm sorry you can't appreciate that. I do also like Dumb and Dumber but it doesn't touch the mask or ace Ventura

Ace Ventura is violent and transphobic, it's horrifying

You misunderstand, I love Barry Lyndon. It's one of my favorite movies. The fact that the entire thing is just a big, beautiful shitpost makes it even better.

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>american condition

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do americans really shit without lowering the pants all the way to the ankles?

Ahh I see. Forgive my momentary retardation.

>Is that... normal pooing, you're doing?

barry lyndon peaked with this nigga right here