It’s over

It’s over

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Oh no, now we can't have blood, nudity or "fuck!" Now how will our movie about a man in a bat costume beating up gangsters be good?

well yeah, don't really see the point of making an r rated movie based on a product made for children.

Omg who the fuck cares it's just another capeshit movie. Don't you boring mindless fucks ever watch anything else?

Nooooooo batman has to say the F word or its not gritty!!!

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batfags thought reeves was initially making it r-rated but studio meddling turned it to pg-13.
fucking kek

what is better? pg13 that is pushing as far as it can get or R that is way too soft for R?

Indiana Jones for example was pg13 and has some horror tier scenes. Meanwhile I've seen some horrors that were so tame then didn't deserve their ratings.

R rated super hero movies don't work unless the source material is also r rated, which is why The boys, (at least the first season) Watchmen, Deadpool and Logan. (Joker is kind of an oddity) work so well, when you try to make a hero mostly known for saving the day suddenly completely edgy and blood thirsty it just looks dumb.

The former. You can get away with a lot in PG13. I don't really want to see Batman swearing and fucking. It's unnecessary

>thinks Wolverine and Deadpool are adult-restricted comics.

>I don't really want to see Batman swearing
Gordon should swear fag


It would look so out of place and "try hard" if when Batman punched people their teeth scattered across the floor and they squealed in agony as blood poured from their mouth and their limbs where bent the wrong way and all the bad guys said "fuck" every 3 seconds. Little boys watch this shit, I was 5 years old when I saw The Dark Knight in theatres and I enjoyed it then and I can enjoy it now as an adult.

he's a Marine

>I was 5 years old when I saw The Dark Knight in theatres

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I just wanted to see Penguin rape Catwoman and then we follow her on the journey of bloody revenge until Batman talks her out of killing Penguin when she finally gets a hold of him. Oh yeah and riddler kills some hookers Seven style.

The only Marines that don't swear are christfags, and Gordon ain't one of those.

Well a regular X-Men/Wolverine comic isn't, but Old Man Logan (the story the movie Logan adapts) was actually age restricted since it's release due to the graphic nature of the kills, superhero deaths and the dystopian world he lives in this changed when fox announced the development of the Logan movie.
Deadpool comics have been age restricted for most of the life of the character, not sure if the story the movie adapts is actually R rated but considering there's not many PG-13 stories involving Deadpool, i would say that Deadpool is a valid r rated character or at least a bit more valid than batman.

>We want our dark grey and brown detective movie about a psychopath in a gimp suit to be suitable for children!

Gimp is a sexual orientation, chud

Pattinson worked his ass off to undo the vampire shackles.. Only to walk right back into the capeshit shackles. He's probably retarded.

Batman is always a thinly-written role that any moron (say, Affleck) can easy-mode, and it's a really nice paycheck.

this can only hurt them desu
cuz the only people that would watch this pozzed shit to begin with are Leftists that have a BBC cuck fetish

i'm not watching a 3 hour pg-13 movie