It's a pickpocketing episode

>It's a pickpocketing episode

Attached: 1645053473781.jpg (1080x1222, 188.04K)

staring the dragon born
>plus size

>real-life Khajiit
We all saw what the new Cats looked like, no thanks.

Skyrim belongs to....*looks directly into the camera*....everyone.

>it's a seranna is totally useless but you can't get rid of her until you do her whole fucking quest episode

Attached: 1645054068271.png (326x325, 229.5K)

>Because it's an already established franchise
Really that seems to be all that's required.

Can khajiits be black?

Like a Puma? Don't see why not

>it's an ulfric stormcloak is literally trump episode

>race of thieves
>being cast black

>20 years of preproduction and production
>Episode 1 is pretty good, start out meeting some cast
>Episode 2 drop off fast, except for the violence
>Episode 3 is a shitfest of Thomas the Tank engines flying around
>Pulled from broadcast, restart preproduction in 2 years

>you must combine the three words of power

you mean chupa thingy?





based reddit

Attached: skooma nights.webm (300x300, 868.25K)

>Netflix version of a Khajit

Attached: lTtbVBTiEI9rf5NqKcWFgGEgUaD3mwWK-VvLVyt6qwIwH61ieKcJ3u23uXJvLyJ9eKs_Ek7CNbb8_nBaNKYxQJDUoFPT_7nthqTpbRbGGkBuy2bIBScwLFSSw1jgwaa2uJM40LzPVDZRv0BQ5bWbWD2l9b6F=w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu[1].jpg (1191x630, 56.27K)

No, I mean afro hair, thick lips, flared nostrils, etc


>it's a "combining blue mountain flower and blue butterfly wing to make a fortify conjuration potion that you immediately sell to the Riverwood trader who buys it for all the gold he has" episode
Finally, a show for neurodivergent audiences.

Wes Johnson shouldn't be part of this jewish trash but if I was making a TES show I'd get Wes Johnson

so that every race is suddenly nog

Even worse. The redguards will stay nogs, but the Nords will definitely be multicultural

>Imperials are all white males
>Altmers don't exist, Imperials are big bads
>Nords are all black and/or native American
>Dark Elves are all black (Windhelm is an Imperial run city now, bigot)
>Dwemmer were all black (genocided by Imperials out of jealousy for being too advanced)
>Argonians and Khajiit are cgi creatures but are all played by black people
>Redguards inexplicably don't exist (possibly because it's racist)