
Does this go up there with the greats like The Wire and Sopranos?

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Not even close. I've seen 300 anime and I'll watch something and think this is the best thing ever. Then I go rewatch breaking bad and it makes the best anime look it was made for babies.

The manga is better because the anime makes it insanely slow paced since it adapts it really well. I can read it at triple the speed and still get the same enjoyment.
Also 20th Century Boys is a far better manga.

monster is great but has so much filler. i dont care about those turks, i dont need 20 episodes of them.

monster is great but way too many episodes

>breaking bad
>ADD ridden zoomer retards

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great concept but too long with filler episodes
>ah look it’s another doctaa tenmaaa helps some poor people episodes without any relevance to the story
also how fucking retarded is detective lunge

Do people prop this up as the best anime because it's the only one that doesn't have complete garbage writing and all the annoying tropes? Never seen it but I can imagine that being the case

Pretty much.

besides the annoying kid, it's KINO out of bounds

Pure fucking kino, Tenma and Johan are legendary

the supernatural shit ruined it

seek help

Anime is a medium that can balance over-the-top elements and drama well because you already expect it to get crazy. If I could wave a magic wand and slightly update the original Hellsing series (not OVA), it would hold up the same way.

Nah, Gunslinger Girl was the superior early 2000s drama anime based in Europe.

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>no superpowers(-600iq brainwashing genius)
>realistic clothing
>no giant eyes
this is enough for weebtroons to immediately call it the greatest thing ever
they want to be acknowledged so hard, it's hilarious
adapt this shit into live action word for word and you'd really see how pathetic it sounds, nothing more than the average anime trash

Monster is boring, stupid and makes no sense.
Cut it tree times, delete all that secret bullshit and rewrite dr.tenma

My complaint isn’t particularly that those plots are bad. I enjoy them all. It’s literally just that putting them in anime form means that they take longer to see. It doesn’t feel like I’m rushing at all when I read the manga, but I can still get through way more in a shorter amount of time. Too many reaction shots that were single panels in the manga take up time.


Lunge is easily my favorite character. Perhaps my favorite autistic character in any piece of media. What a great premise; autistic super detective that constantly comes close to cracking his toughest case, but repeatedly sabotages himself while desperately trying to confirm his own cliche, split personality hypothesis. Kino. Never seen the anime. Urasawa should be read, not watched.

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It just feels very western. It has tropes, but it feels more like the kind of thing you’d see in a weird old french movie or something. Exaggerated western caricatures. I think that’s why people like Urasawa’s work so much.

Nice bait faggot

They should adapt Billy Bat

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I've heard from a valid source that this is "overrated shit"

I finished 20th century boys a couple weeks ago. Will need to reread at some point. I think a lot of the 70s manga references and allusions to modern japanese history went over my head. The pace didnt feel as smooth as monster. It gets a lot of points for predicting the great reset and project blue beam, though. Something tells me it is the superior manga.

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> It just feels very western. It has tropes, but it feels more like the kind of thing you’d see in a weird old french movie or something. Exaggerated western caricatures. I think that’s why people like Urasawa’s work so much.
Pretty much this. It's good, it's just it throws people off if they wanted more grounded writing or more supernatural elements.

Gonna read this one soon. Looks to be very kino.

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>good pacing is LE... BAD

Billy Bat was really retarded. I couldn’t even tell if it was good by the end. He was leaning on the point he was trying to make so hard that everything got too confusing and meta. Thinking back on it, I still loved most of the individual stories throughout, but it’s still probably my least favourite Urasawa manga. I haven’t read any of Master Keaton though.

Yeah I agree. Its a very fun read but I think it relies way too much on there being massive game changing reveals every couple chapters. Its oversaturated with them to where shit just doesn't surprise at a certain point like they did early on


>I couldn't even tell if it was good by the end.
>I still loved most of the individual stories
This is pretty much my experience with Urasawa. When I like it, I really like it, though. He's the type of author that is a decent, possibly mediocre writer, but an incredible storyteller.

Over the top elements isn't the same thing as needing even the most basic shit to be explained and characters thin as cardboard cutouts saying what the audience should be feeling. I can't watch nearly any anime anymore because this stuff pisses me off too much now. The one that pissed me off by far the most was Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, because people kept recommending that shit to me like it's actually well written but now I know those people must be either blinded by nostalgia because they watched it when they were 12 or actually retarded. The worst is when a ''character'' that was literally introduced an episode or two ago if even that gets killed and it's presented in such a dramatic way that insists this shit is supposed to be emotional but it just isn't. Even worse is when I see actual adults write about how sad they were that character died and I'm just like HOW?

No, that would be texhnolyze

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I think 20th Century Boys hit the right level. He was able to tell a bunch of different stories over a large time period, and he was pretty good about letting the crazy sci-fi stuff creep in slowly until it gets all crazy.
Asadora is giving me high hopes so far though. Showing this one girl’s live over decades as she becomes a pilot to fight Kaiju or something? That’s so great.
