
>rich faggot still pining over his dead parents from 20 years ago
>won't kill because... because he just won't, okay?
>makes angry faces and whispers cringy shit
>models himself after a fucking bat

Moon Knight
>self-made merc
>genuine schizo who refuses to take his meds
>dresses all in white so that they can see him beat them to death
>powered by an Egyptian God
Batfags kneel.

Attached: Moon-knight.jpg (1024x513, 155.56K)

comic poopoo fart shit = no care stinky doodo

>Disney +

Moon Knight is awful

Batman = r*ddit
Moon nigger = Any Forums Telivision & Film board

the toilet paper aesthetic kinda lame ngl fr

>Egyptian God
wuz kangz blasphemy.

>Grown man wearing a silly little costume beating up baddies
>"This is the coolest thing I've ever seen!"
You people are, genuinely, pathetic.

damn sounds cool, mightve watched it if they actually made him white

This desu

>grown man
>I think I light transition
>Omg so brave so strong!
kill yourself

Reported for very low quality post.

shills are evolving, theyre actually acting like Any Forums users now lmao, listen here if you want me to watch your show stop making them so SHIT, who the fuck wanted moon knight covered in toilet paper? Oh thats right the douchebag artfag who just had to make "his mark" and make something super fucking shitty just so its different from the source material, fucking kill yourself

>They ruined the way Moon Knight (TM) is supposed to look! I'm furious they disrespected my cool Egyptian warrior guy from the comics I like to read in between being an enormous faggot
You people are, genuinely, pathetic.

dont care, still not watching shill, kill yourself or at least stop making shitty movies and tv shows pls

>Marvel is literally the most successful franchise today
mental illness everybody

>powered by an Egyptian God
Must be really weak then.

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I am actively shitting on you and your embarrassing little hobbies and you think I'm shilling this cringe Intellectual Property. Maybe you are a schizo user.

no one outside of sweaty nerds has ever heard of moon knight. everyone on the planet has heard of batman

ok so defend moon knight then if you like it so much

like every other marvel character, moon knight will surpass batman after 1 year

capeshit fucking sucks, stop spamming the board with juvenile garbage

you responded to me calling out shills out of nowhere, I wasn't even talking to you, of course I would get it mixed up if you say something that makes no sense

That's what makes Moon Knight so scary, he in a grown man who comes at you dressed in white tights like a faggot then beats you to death with a baseball bat

>mooods help meeeee ;(((

i like how those edited comic panels of moon knight calling dracula a nerd is all normies know him for now

This post is making me want to write a “How Moon Knight is the Unexpected Trans Hero We Need” article for quick bux


>mouse shill
no one cares about kike knight

Just read the books people are excited for a reason. What the fuck is there to defend? What are you attacking??? What the fuck are you talking about????

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>Both use batarangs
>Both have no powers and fight with martial arts.
>Both are detectives.
>Both wear capes
>Dark Knight = Moon Knight

Moon Knight doesn't actually have any super powers, look him up. It's all in his head. So why is Batman better? Every superhero is defined by their villains. Name a popular superhero who doesn't have any interesting villains. Spoiler: You can't, and if you try someone's just going to name their villains and make you look dumb.

Everyone knows Batman's villains, he has the most iconic and identifiable rogues gallery of any character ever.

Now name ONE Moon Knight villain. Go on. Go ahead. Just one. Just one faggot. Do it. NAME ONE FAGGOT. That's right, you can't. Because Moon Knight is shit.

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