This made Boomers shit and piss their pants

This made Boomers shit and piss their pants

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their next film made the catholics do the same thing.
grail is still one of the funniest films made though, perhaps you could do a zoomer version if your memes did not evolve so fast it would be cringe and dated within a week

it's about simple weight ratios

its only a model

this was a film for Gen X but nice try.

very small rocks

the people responsible for this post have been sacked

Well uh, you see, the thing is... I thought your son was a lady.

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this film made me laugh so hard it hurt. I was 8 at the time though so that should explain everything. these movies hit a lot harder when you're a dumbass child.

it's just anime humor but with white people

>one day user, all these will be yours

The best part of this was the intermission song
Dadadad dada da daa

for me it's the machine that goes PING

life of brian was way better, people only like holy grail because they can endlessly quote the famous lines

>People only like it cuz every 10 mins has a golden funny line that they can quote

I showed this to my dad and he refused to believe i had not picked the wrong movie throughout the beginning.

She turned me into a newt!


A newt?

I got better.

Ayo fr fr it’s nutin but a gunshot wound on gawd an dem bruh lmao


>oy me voice is kooky and sounds like this
>oy me voice is kooky too and sounds like this
british comedy folks

watch an actual comedy

hahahahaha that shit is funny
>what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
>what do you mean? african or european swallow?
>I don't know that! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
gets me every time

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It was a build up for the bridge scene, and it was funny there