Has he EVER been in a bad movie? I love every movie he's been in

Has he EVER been in a bad movie? I love every movie he's been in.

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>dude nikola tesla invented a cloning machine lmao

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no he is one of the kino actors of this age.

the machine didnt work.

>the machine didnt work.
bro did you even watch the movie

I miss Bowie. But you have to admit its still a great movie.

i am guessing "australia" was not very good

I have a few go-to movies that make me cry every time, The Fountain is one of them.

The Fountain is amazing, one of those movies that feel really special.

Reel Steel was pretty fucking bad but I still liked it

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>Huge Jackedman

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He has been in a few bad ones, but I don't think he has ever not been good in a movie. He's very underrated.

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This was kino
>dude nikola tesla invented a cloning machine lmao
I bet it's fun to watch scifi or fantasy with you

fuck you movie 43 was kino

it wasn’t a clone, it was an exact duplicate, down to the memories you retarded slampig

Kate & Leopold was trash

i remember that wolverine film with deadpool being pretty bad as well

The Prestige is a great movie. Greatest Showman is my least favorite film of his I've seen.

Oh god I forgot about that movie. Easily the worst

Nah Swordfish was great.

yeah, Chappie.
And he was the worst part of it.
Bad writing, but still.

>liking capeshit
too late for you user