Was she cringe or based?

Was she cringe or based?

Attached: Mi-nyeo.png (811x681, 767.34K)

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>posting FOTMshit past its expiration date
people stopped caring 1 month after it aired.

Based if she gives me pussy, Cringe if she doesn't.

felt like a donut steel oc manic quirky dream girl character

Uhhh i have a four inch penis irl fuck her

Her murder-suicide made me laugh my ass off

English dub ruined her.

Too old

This, he could easily overpower here and sent her down. That fucking segment game was so stupid all over.


>felt like a donut steel oc manic quirky dream girl character

how is she a quirky dream girl?

she had dark ass nipples
like hershey kisses

hate the character, love the actress

you know that thing that happens when a woman irl watches one or two movies and then starts acting like she's in a movie all the time to seem more interesting and it looks painfully cringe from the perspective of others? Yeah this is that character. She doesn't even feel like a fictional character she feels like that one woman you know

Attached: 462603.png (462x450, 189.25K)

So, the average female boomer?

t. smol peepee

Cringe/annoying in terms of behavior but an interesting character that added an extra level of moral complexity to the show

Ain't had to watch this shite to know its defo cringe.

Basically this

it should have been fixed without the long monologue before. She should have just caught him by surprise and knocked him off.

besides that I thought the game was fine. The scene when the glass all shatters in slow motion was random as fuck though

Why did she suddenly give up on life?


only chads like korean girls

everyone here is a fat loser which is why they like ugly white girls

Attached: 1644967240285.jpg (612x765, 56.04K)


>30% plastic
>30% filters
>30% makeup
>10% gook

I think she knew she wasn't going to win the whole thing and everyone hated her. She thought she might as well take that fucker out