What is the appeal of this movie?

What is the appeal of this movie?

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stick to tiktok vids

Is this a serious question? If so I'll answer.

37 dicks!

Yeah I don't get what made it so popular

>Kevin Smith was 24 when he wrote and filmed Clerks

I’m being sincere when I say this, it was a different time. Same reason South Park got popular

Because the crude sexual talk with lots of swearing was new and exciting back then and in was indie which gave it artistic credibility

I think Steven Spielberg was only like 25 or 26 when he directed Jaws

*It came out in the 1990s, when "independent films" were just starting to be feasible because people could buy cheap/used equipment. This film only cost $30k to make.

*It was popular because it was marketed as the "cheap indy film", and was successful at film festivals because for the time, it was funny, shot well, and again was low-budget so people gave it a pass for that.

*It played in a lot of small-town/college town theaters, where it spread by word-of-mouth.

*It was different/unique for its time.

*It was an inspiring film to other people who wanted to get into film. A lot of people saw this and said "Holy shit, I can make a film as good as (or better) than this."


I live down the road from Quik Stop and it’s kind of impressive that even to this day there’s people DAILY taking photos in front of it

File this piece of ancient cinema under “things zoomers will never understand”.

Quintessential slacker gen X 90s culture flick with a good dose of humour and witty dialog. It's the low budget DIY type indie movie that became kind of a blueprint for retards who think they can be the next Kevin Smith on a shoestring budget.

It was the only movie at the time where the characters talked how real people talked.
Didn’t Smith finally buy the property just a few years ago?

Salsa shark

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I’m sorry you live in New Jersey

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He bought the vacant shop on the very end (it’s 3 stores total including quikstop) and turned it into some kind of performance/podcast venue

Thanks for the info, but the quikshop is closed forever right.?
> performance/podcast venue
Such a civilization in decline use of real estate

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quikstop is open, the video store in the middle has been vacant for like 25 years, and the shop on the end is his little podcast place

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it's unironically pure SOUL

I'm sorry you don't live in america

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It must be sort of annoying to work there and have all these aged out Kevin Smith burnouts show up and try to be Randal

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I live in California coper, you live In New York’s trash

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Son, did you just come here yesterday?

If you have to quote and cite Wikipedia as your cultural source you should have the insight to know you are clueless.

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