I've given this scene a lot of thought and it really bothers me. Obviously that pile of shit can't be in one sitting...

I've given this scene a lot of thought and it really bothers me. Obviously that pile of shit can't be in one sitting, it has like half or a third of the volume of the Triceratops herself. But it doesn't make sense for the shit pile to be that tall. Triceratops can be up to nearly 10 feet tall, but that particular Triceratops was not that big. Ian Malcolm was clearly taller than where her anus is, and yet her shit pile is taller than him. For that to be possible she would have to walk over her own poop pile so she can poop at the top. But there is no evidence to suggest she stepped on it, there are no foot prints and the shit pile would probably crumble. The only logical conclusion I can come to is her shit is at the bottom of the pile, where Ellie found the toxic plant the Triceratops ingested, and a larger Triceratops or dinosaur came and took a shit on top of it. But I highly doubt that because it was implied this is solely her shit pile, otherwise finding what caused her illness would have been a lot more complicated.

Attached: ian malcolm that is one big pile of shit triceratops.png (1440x900, 1.82M)

Attached: coprolite.jpg (400x270, 30K)

Kek, saved. I have to think about this.

perhaps the triceratops pointed its anus upwards and projectile defecated on the top of the pile.

Attached: tinfoil.jpg (214x235, 8.94K)

Perhaps it stood upon the back of another triceratops

that is another possibility I considered, it would only need to shoot the poop diagonally with a height of 2-3 feet, which is somewhat realistic. it's probably the best explanation, well done.

dinosaurs arent even fucking real. picrel was apparently like 10 storeys tall and weighed like a gorillion pounds and just ate leafs do you know how many calories are in a LEAF? like not even one probably. this fucking thing would have to eat NON STOP 24/7 just to maintain a caloric intake high enough to chew and digest the fucking leafs, let alone run and fuck and all the other shit. dont buy it for one second.

Attached: brachiosaurus-size.jpg (624x449, 270.41K)

Attached: 1618224081686.webm (406x720, 2.87M)

what about whales and krill?

imagine how satisfying that must feel

its a question of efficiency. the buoyancy reduces the required energy to move and they literally just float along allowing their food source to filter into their mouth. also krill number in the fucking trillions or more and are everywhere. imagine a herd of these fucking dinosaurs roaming around. every single tree would be completely bare.

The atmosphere was much more oxygen rich and warm which made their metabolisms much more efficient than living creatures today.

The farm I work at has Alpacas and they all shit in one spot. So maybe the Triceratops had this as their designated shitting pile.

allegedly. convenient theoretical nonsense to prop up the dinosaur lie.

That's just a picture of like a redesigned giraffe, they get super tall.

Moving in water is infinitely more taxing and calorie burning.
>also krill number in the fucking trillions
>every single tree would be completely bare.
There were exponentially more trees around, that were much larger, probably had shorter and more healthy growth cycles too.
And the only way they ever got knocked down were from natural disasters or fights between bigger creatures.
Giant Herbivore creatures make perfect sense in a place without widespread modern humans wrecking their habitats.

You should breathe some oxygen that isn’t from your moms basement

an adult giraffe is like 6 metres tall, a third of this supposed "dinosaur". also not nearly as massive.

It doesn't even look like shit that had been shat out naturally. It looks like a pile of manure you'd see on a farm. Imagine if the triceratops shat out a massive log instead.

Animals are smart they shit in the same place.

Unlike humans

>Moving in water is infinitely more taxing and calorie burning.
to humans. what is relativity? imagine how much more taxing it is for a whale to move on land than in water.
>There were exponentially more trees around, that were much larger, probably had shorter and more healthy growth cycles too.
you are literally just making shit up to confirm your belief in dinosaurs.

its just close to the camera

Do you live in Bizarro World? Humans shit in the same place - it's called the toilet. Animals shit wherever they want.

Nah man, they can grow like 3 to 4 times the size of a man, like they can get really fucking big. That's almost a few stories high. They just look smaller on camera but if you go to a zoo you'll see how big they are. Even elephants are bigger in real life.

I shit wherever I want

>What is municipal wastewater management

I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to discredit people who call out the Jews by attributing things like dinosaur denial to them, and making them sound like stupid conspiracy theorists that shouldn't be listened to. Fuck off you filthy kike, you're not as smart as you think you are.

You're thinking of the carboniferous with the giant bugs.

nope im just a normal guy that smells bullshit when i see it. jews live rent free in your head

>what is relativity?
water has objectively more friction?
And it's only worse the deeper you go, which whales often dive 1-2k meters, with the (recorded) record apparently being just shy of 3k. Which is 1.8 miles.
>you are literally just making shit up
So how did all those giant trees we still have around get here then?
Why don't trees grow nearly as large today? Are you really denying the effect of abundant oxygen?

Awwwww, is the polcel mad?

>So how did all those giant trees we still have around get here then?
>Why don't trees grow nearly as large today? Are you really denying the effect of abundant oxygen?

>water has objectively more friction?
yes but fish literally have special skin and morphology that makes them more efficient than water. you are saying that all else being equal if whales had legs they would expend less energy moving on land. thats fucking dumb.
>So how did all those giant trees we still have around get here then?
they grew? i am not denying the existence of big trees.

so what exactly is your actual point?
There are more krill than there were leaves around? So whales can sustain but much smaller creatures can't?
Because that's absurd.

>he thinks trees breathe oxygen

I am saying not only are krill infinitely more abundant than leafs but also that whales are so efficient at consuming krill that it isnt even a real comparison. they dont even have to fucking chew. they dont have to hold up a retardedly long and massive neck. it is patently ridiculous to believe in massive dinosaurs and brachiosaurs especially

no i'm implying trees use oxygen, which they do

They never walked on land. They are too large.
They were waders/swimmers in a mostly watery/marshy environment.
The physics don't add up, big paleo has been hushing this up for decades to sell toys and extend the careers of academic charlatans.
But they are (were) most certainly REAL, the fossil record can not lie.