Even normies are rejecting Rings of Power

>41k dislikes, and this is with the dislikes counter disabled for most people, would probably have even more otherwise
>every comment repeating Tolkien's line, "Evil is not able to create anything new, it can only distort and destroy what has been invented or made by the forces of good", except in Russian or other foreign languages to avoid being censored by youtube
Is Rings of Power gonna flop? A few months ago, I would have thought it impossible with all the money Amazon has spent on it. Just imagine a billion dollar project flopping because they made it too woke.

Attached: kangsofpower.png (654x739, 252.83K)

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It's Russian bots

You have no power here chud

russian bots arent normies
you will be a minority

There IS NO dislike count at youtube. Your gay little extension if you read the fine print, is simply generating a random number within a range it thinks you might like.

33k dislikes

Naw, you don't even have to use an extension. Youtube still records the dislikes, they just don't let normies see them so their corporate overlords don't have to deal with dislike campaigns. Looks like it didn't work though.


They even removed Dislikes on just comments

Shoulda gone the TMC route and got rid of comments altogether
Thanks Biden!

>Youtube disables the dislike button months ahead of Amazon's divisive billion dollar television series.
>nobody thinks the two are related
Amazon and Google are massive companies that both control and insane amount what we know as the internet. Amazon Web Services is the backbone for a TON of the internet. If ANY company could exert pressure on Google to make an unpopular change to their video platform, it would be Amazon. If any CEO would be insecure and arrogant enough to waste that sort of political/business capital on a masturbatory media project, it would be the human cock Jeff Bezos.

Attached: 1548253717330.jpg (210x240, 17.66K)

> these people are destroying your creations and they are the ones who want you dead
Don't give up, but remember that in the end people like them will be tossed to the wayside of history!
They're just useful idiots.

Attached: 0.jpg (1065x3105, 1.01M)

why can't i see dislikes? who gets to have dislike button and who doesn't?

fuck off woke tranny

Normies will be glued to the screen with every episode and I can't wait to see you seethe over it.

Attached: 2D802EF6-C87B-4439-AFE6-D9A4FC32E6A3.jpg (1080x1059, 250.36K)

You have to download an extension

I think you're overthinking this specific connection, however the dislike button was removed before announcement season during a dead period of releases. So in a way it benefited a majority of trailers released over the past year because of the timing.

Multiculturalism is failing again. Its so good. There will be ethnic nation states for all, no more mixes of ugly self loathing mutts, no .White women will be made into christian mothers with large families. You will never be female either. Reminder the american military got beaten by backwater arabs

God bless, I'm glad the Cold War is resuming and this hippy faggot SJW shit is waning.

>for the proletariats!
lmao, based truck chads. No one wants your death injection, tranny.

We win in the end, they cannot maintain society without intelligent hard working white christians. Fucking orcs.

thanks bro

fuck censorship