What time do you go to bed?

What time do you go to bed?

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I have the same hair LOLOLOL


well, I don't know what you want me to say

he's pretty cringe compared to judge holden ngl

when my latuda kicks in



I have all my lights set to turn off at 11:30pm but I try to go to bed by 10:30
I feel like I get way more done in a day if I get up at 6:30a

I always thought of him as a sort of second-rate disciple of him.

"Never nigga, the bean kicked in!"

how do I ask for this cut?

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>How much do you get paid?
>you're a bit deaf, aren't you? I said how much do you get paid?
>around nothing, g-generally I get paid nothing
>you work for free
>if that's the way you wanna put it
>I don't have some way to put it. That's the way it is.

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Just popped 3 melatonin at 930, hopefully bed by 11. Night owls are never productive and waste yheir life

What would be a good way to deal with him? Get aggressive and tell him to get out before you blast him?

good post

kek. classic.

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>didju not HEAR me? we caynt gib out no in-fer-MAY-shun

Fat lady fuckin wrecked him

i didn't read blood meridian but wasn't judge holden a real person who appeared in an auto biography from some guy who lived in that time period and he reported that some girl got raped and killed with huge fucking prints on her body that could only imply a man of Holden's stature would be able to commit the crime? I swear i saw that shit in Wikipedia but I know jack shit about what was going on during that time period .

you know you only need like .5mg or less melatonin for it to work. Taking too much ends up interfering with sleep surprisingly.

Depending on my schedule 10pm, 12am, 4am or 6am.
When working first shift 10pm or 12am
When working 2nd shift 4am or 6am.

Yep. His name was Samuel Chamberlain

Good to know lol

7.30-8 am usually