I'm about to start watching it. Is it really as good as everyone says?

I'm about to start watching it. Is it really as good as everyone says?

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It's boring and gay. Suits was better.

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Both are cringe

You'll never know

It is about a better time.

both these fags are wrong

you probs shouldnt watch it OP if you need to ask teevee whether its good or not

Id rather watch Sopranos.

That's even more boring and gay tbqh nigger.

Suits isn't cringe. Have trouble keeping up with it? Makes sense, unlike Mad Men there's no le nostalgia eye candy to appease baby brains.

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It was cringe. I watched it up to the 3rd season.
>le alpha lawyer man with his reddit quips

>even more boring
In what way? Enlighten me, dunce.

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seethe harder tranny

>show about lawyers n shit

Booooring. Jut like Better Call Saul. Also, look at your pic. Its unironically gayer than the whole of San Francisco.

It's an A+ show.
For reference:
>S - Rank
Twin Peaks
True Detective S1
The Wire
True Detective S2
Game of Thrones
Breaking Bad
True Detective S3
Mr Robot
American Horror Story
House of Cards

Mad Men is very close to S rank, but doesn't quite make it. It's just slightly too repetitive, and goes on for too long (probably because of being on AMC).

Boring? Taking art at face value says a lot more about you than the show. I recommend you give it another go, but with an open mind this time.

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You for real nigga?

It probably would have been S+ if it wasn't cancelled.

Where is Suits?

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Can you stop posting those shitty quotes? Thank you.

Games of Thrones at the same level as Breaking Bad? You gotta be trolling.

>hustle culture bullshit
Just advertise your NFT already

It's boring crap sprinkled with a few genius ideas and scenes.
Still crap tho.

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I haven't seen it.

I have honestly zero clue about which one you would think is better than the other. They're both enjoyable trash.

The Wire js S just ignore the 2nd and 5th seasons

What's so "shitty" about them?

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>no LOST
>Game of Thrones as high as Breaking Bad

Also, I love Twin Peaks but that whole stretch of episodes in season 2 where it's like a soap opera and nothing happens should lower it from being an S - Rank.

Haven't seen Mad Men so you could be right about that though.

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About 60% of the episodes should have been 40 minutes long instead of an hour.

They are fucking stupid.

No. You're stupid.

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skip to sally pajamas arc

>just ignore the 2nd season
Whý would anybody ignore the best season?

Appreciate your opinions. What would you recomend that is alike but better?
I guess I'll watch season 1 and then see if I should keep on watching it.

really interesting how they got away with ripping off big titted redhead that can do no wrong

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I find the wire to be overrated, and desu it's lucky to get an A from me.

I don't trust my opinion on LOST.
I think it's A, but I haven't seen it since it aired and it could be trash. It's fucking JJ, it can't be as good as I remember it.
I was never upset by the ending though, I know it wouldn't wrap up in a satisfying way but I enjoyed the journey. I have so many good memories of the show, and I don't want to ruin them by going back. But maybe I will.
>that whole stretch of episodes in season 2 where it's like a soap opera and nothing happens should lower it from being an S - Rank.
Even if I accept that those episodes in season 2 were bad (I enjoy them but I understand why others don't), the Return is so FAT and SWOLLEN with KINO that Twin Peaks still sits very comfortably within the S category.
If you don't count the Return, it's still an S from me but I wouldn't argue with someone else giving it an A.
>Game of Thrones as high as Breaking Bad
There are a lot of boring as fuck filler episodes of Breaking Bad, enough to match the shitty final season of GoT. Breaking Bad leaves a better taste in the mouth for sure, but overall it's pretty on par with GoT. Neither of them ever had the potential to be an A-Rank show, even if they didn't make significant failures. Failures which I have forgiven btw, they don't really factor into my appraisal.

There isn't really a show like Mad Men, and if there is it won't be better.