"Join a sexless emotionless wizard cult...

>"Join a sexless emotionless wizard cult. You get cool powers and a laser sword but you'll have to be conservative about using them or you'll literally turn evil.


>Be a badass space marine with a cool helmet

Attached: The-Book-of-Boba-Fett-Luke-Skywalker-voice.jpg (960x480, 39.27K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>luke’s entire arc is learning to value his friendships and family ties over isolating himself like yoda wants
>hmmm... we cant have a religious order be the good guys, so let’s just 180 his entire character and make him an evil child kidnapper like the prequel jedi


Attached: 5.jpg (2048x1536, 980.93K)

Yeed would ko luke the dweeb skydorker out in a second

I get that the jedi are heavily inspired by buddhism, I just mean it’s luke’s attempts to reach out to his father emotionally that end up destroying the sith. They’ve undone that.

was this georges way of dealing with the divorce?

No. You read the movies wrong. You did not understand Luke or why Vader was redeemed. Padme reached out to him emotionally. Obi-Wan did. Ahsoka did. None of it worked. Use your brain. The link above actually explains it in detail, George Lucas does specifically, in his own words.

Lucas has always been a dumb idiot when it comes to philosophy.

I write better scripts every time I wipe shit from my ass on the paper those star wars fans love it -direct quote from 1999

I bet he knows better about philosophy of his own fictional universe than some guy on Any Forums.

one of the worst things the prequels did was make the Jedi so unappealing, and no that wasn't done intentionally. George is just an autist who thinks that way

The whole thing is dumb and shows how the people writing Star Wars now don't understand Star Wars even though it's pretty straight forward.

No wonder Kylo burned that shithole to the ground

How, have you seen the "guidance" he gave to any nigga making a spinoff? Child prostitute this, "Darth Icky" that. Dude's got a peabrain, tiny and completely smooth.

>first point is "no sex"

I know for a fact Filoni was forced to do this because every decision in The Clone Wars was always permanent.
If the villains break up, they never make up.
If someone leaves the jedi order, they're gone forever.
And when someone dies, they STAY DEAD.
Worthless Disney just wants to whore out poor green Gizmo.

Attached: Disregard_Babbies_Aquire_Galaxy.jpg (1920x816, 146.58K)

Read, nigger, read:

yeah but you're a standard zoomie no cap bussin vocabulary user by the sounds of it so just for that george is infinitely better than you.

Unless you are Kiadi Mundi - then you can have multiple wives and fuck however you want because Dark Side give special consideration to low population species.

George Lucas said that Jedi are allowed to have sex, and Ki-Adi shit was non-canon nonsense from the comic books that was never ever referenced anywhere in Lucas' works. They wrote Ki-Adi as a married man before it was revealed in Attack of the Clones that the Jedi can't actually marry (the whole point of Anakin's downfall hinges on that), and they always wrote Ki-Adi as a Jedi Knight, before it was revealed that only Jedi Masters can be on the Council, meaning Ki-Adi was *always* a Jedi Master since TPM.

I don’t give a single fuck what he said AFTER the OT. What’s in the OT is what is in the OT.

>And when someone dies, they STAY DEAD.
Except when Lucas said "Bring back Maul"
And then Rebels uses time travel to save Ashoka

Us :
French people after watching Disnshit :

Allons Trekkers de la Franchise,
La Grande Débâcle est terminée!
Contre nous de l'hypocrisie,
Le Dollar tout-puissant est armé!
Voyez-vous donc dans les grandes salles,
Caqueter tous ces gros bouffons?
Ils salopent tous nos canons,
De leurs grosses bouses monumentales!

Aux forums, Star Warsiens!
Lâchez vos textillons!
Bashons, bashons,
Que leurs navets,
Fertilisent nos sillons!

Que veut cette horde de moutons?
De menteurs, de réals éhontés?
Pour qui ces ignobles feuilletons?
Ces nanars dès-longtemps préparés?
Trekkers pour nous ah quel outrage!
Quels massacres ils doivent comploter?
C'est nous qu'on ose méditer,
De fomenter leurs sabotages!

Ils voulaient conquérir la Chine,
Les voilà quand même censurés!
Mais déjà leur vile machine,
Toutes nos fictions a triturées!
Docteur, par nos cerveaux lavés,
Notre santé mentale déclinerait!
De mauvais scénaristes seraient,
Fossoyeurs de nous, civilisés!

Q donc! Ils se croient progressistes,
Mais ne chassent que des points de vertu!
Pourtant au-dessus des tokenistes,
L'idéal roddenberryien fut!
Plus de swapping, plus de washing!
Nouveaux persos, nouvelles histoires!
Ainsi donc, plus de débunking,
Ni backlash, ni autres déboires!

Trekkers, en public magnanime,
Harceler est un tabou!
Epargnez ces tristes victimes,
A regrets de ces bouses gobant tout!
Mais ce vandale qu'est Kurtzman,
Mais les complices de Jar Jar,
Tous ces clowns qui comme Rian,
Changent l'or, en caca en barres!

Mais CBS avec du vrai Trek,
Vous referez plein de pognon!
La concurrence fait son flouze avec,
En plus ils nous donnent satisfaction!
Mais basedons alliés, car c'est possible!
Ces réals corrompus s'en iront,
Alors nous les fans cesserons,
De chanter ce refrain terrible!

>was this georges way of dealing with the divorce?


>Be a Mandalorian
>Still use The Force

You can also try to follow Ashoka's path.

Why not be a badass space marine who happens to have cool powers and a laser sword?