Why is he more popular than Rey?

Why is he more popular than Rey?

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because he's a bad boy that force chokes women

more sex appeal

Because he’s not a weird asexual Mary Sue that feels like he was written by 5 different people with wildly different ideas about what the character should be

His name is Grogu not Yeed.

He cute, she not. Simple as.

I fucking hate this fucking goblin little green piece of shit I'm not joking I wish he died and all mandalorian characters with him and Boba also

You sound angry, user. Chances are, you will commit suicide long before any of The Mandalorian characters die.

baby yeed

He's not instantly Palpatine-Tier and shitting all over the franchise with his grrl power.

>eating a old roastie's few remaining eggs

Well he somehow knows Force healing.

Did he heal the Rancor or just put it to sleep?


>Grogu? That a horrible name.

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Because he just wants to chill and eat nice food and to a little bit of force stuff on the side.
He doesn't care about jedi and wants to cruise around with his Mando dad.

why not both?

Put it to sleep. He completely healed Carl Weathers in Season 1 when he was wounded by the poisonous pterodactyls.

Does Baby Yoda have progeria? He already had white hair and more wrinkles than Yaddle.

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His name is yeed

he has a personality

>that fucking hair
Every time I see a prequels screencap, I appreciate Lucas just a little more