What movie do you wish you could see for the first time again?

What movie do you wish you could see for the first time again?

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Lord of the Rings

The sopranos

unironically this.

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Jurassic Park

Mulholland Dr, I’d love to see that jumpscare for the first time again



The Untouchables

Click (2006)

Americans put a guy to firing squad for burglary, robber and 2 counts of murder? I thought to get the death penalty you had to do way worse

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Jet Li's Hero starring Jet Li

This is sad
Abolish the death sentence you filthy amerimutt subhumans

fight club, best i can remember is the night i saw it
>middle school
>late one night, cant remember if summer or winter but it was vacation time
>sister has a dvd collection, watch something while i play some lotr ums on sc
>i remember thinking "wtf? fight club? soap? huh? ill check it out"
i had no idea wtf i was watching the entire time
>they make soap out of human from they get from a lipo clinic
>lots of weird naked guy closeness going on
>2/3 or 3/4 way into the movie narrator beats up pretty face, wtf is going on???
>the reveal happens
it explained why there were flashes of tyler early in the movie, i thought the dvd player was fucking up or something
it definitely opened a new door for me

Firing squad seems to be the way to go. If I knew I was going to die, I'd rather a bunch of AKs or ARs spray lead into me and kill me in three seconds than risk a botched injection.

>three seconds

Not even, first shot hits the apricot. You're waking up in Skyrim before you even hear the shot my dude.

Movie ? Idk, maybe In Bruges or Mad Max Fury Road (Drunk af)
TV ? Definitely Maniac

>2 counts of murder

That'd do it in a state that still has the death penalty. Especially if the state can prove that he had no good reason to kill those people and he did it in cold blood or maliciously. Also, we haven't done the firing squad in a long time and even then it was only in certain states.

The Dark Knight. The whole thing was a wild ride for my pre-teen brain and I wish I could have watched it a few years older to fully understand the movie and it's merits and be surprised at the story at the same time. It's not even my favourite movie, I just wish I had seen it way later in life.

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Went to see the Mad Max in cinemas with the lads. All the effects and music on the big screen was fucking great and we just went on a massive piss up afterwards.
Was a good night.

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>yelling at law abiding citizens for the situations that filthy criminals put themselves and others in

Don't forget to tip your local grooming gang, Nigel, or the bobbies'll be round to check your thinking.