Euphoria Gen /EG/ - Fuck Kat Editon

I have a burning hatred for Kat that can not be quenched by anything but her gruesome death.

Also Euphoria poll:

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what is Nate's endgame?

Short term? Passionate sex with Jules (hopefully).
Long term? Taking control of the family business.


The way she did my nigga Ethan. Also, the fact that she tried whoring herself out as "self-empowerment" but ends up hating herself even more and being even more self-destructive.

They say Euphoria is a degen show but Sam Levison has been BTFO degens throughout the entire show.

she's a fat insufferable whore

Nate is nietzschean as fuck

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Marrying Cassie, starting a family, running the family business all while banging trannies on the side then killing them

this fat bitch needs a serious case of bulimia

The actress didnt want her character to have a eating disorder

Nate is head over heels for Jules.

Was the first season more coherent and better? I can't remember, this show feels weird now.

Thats because its a directionless piece of drama trash

yes. s2 is a mess

What is this show even about? Like what’s the appeal? Is it just all relationship drama?

They had to change plotlines in S2 because actors were being bitchy

Since when do unknown fat pieces of shit get to make decisions about what the character does? Has hollywood really had their balls cut off?

The appeal is it's kino. Plot is secondary. Television is a visual medium.

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Really? Didn't know directors would budge to that.

sol anime irl

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She already has.
Being fat is an eating disorder.

he’ll end up banging Jules only to strangle her in a moment of post nut clarity. the dude’s destined to become a more malevolent version of his father if he isn’t already.

That conversation in the last ep was the most accurate depiction of zoomer girls ever committed to film.

Zendaya and Hunter are also producers so they have the power to fuck up the plot.

haha look at this troon pissing pure kino

Top notch kinographique with genuinely well realized characters. Obviously there is teen drama but there is also an element beyond that with drug shit that gets pretty tense.

Cautionary tale about the dangers of degeneracy and the need to go back to the 50s nuclear family disguised as a zoomer show so zoomers watch it and get redpilled. Unironically the best show of the last few years

Are you ready for next's episode shootout and Lexi's play?

Shame that her face is pretty, total waste. Her body looks like she was being poured into her clothes but forgot to say when