Your crime boss asks you to fight this goliath. What do you do?

Your crime boss asks you to fight this goliath. What do you do?

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Fight the crime boss.

Piece of piss. I'm gonna die, but damned if I'm not gonna be aiming kick after kick at his knees first.

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Fight him, beat him, then rape him.

Bring a knife or gun because I'm fucked otherwise. Probably still fucked with the knife.

Fuck it, bring a flamethrower.

This guy should have been frank castle, not that manlet bernthal


beat him with one hand behind my back

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this dogshit show is just the punisher but even worse

>muh blind blake

There must be like a place on his neck to hit him or stab his eye or something. What do special forces guys do?

Guess I can just say no since he's only asking.

Why is he always squinting?

Use my secret Crouching Tiger Gaping Anus technique.

Reminder this actor is a hardcore zionist and self-professed christian. Sign Linda Sarsour's petition to have him removed from this racist show, which perpetuates white savior myths and american imperialism

Which Christians are not self-professed?

My favorite part of the show is how his parents call him Reacher

>he’s only 6’2
I could take him

Kick him in the knee and run.

>Crime boss: I need you to kill Jack Reacher
>Me: Reach 'er? I barely even know 'er!
>cue laughter

Get a shotgun, have a few goons ambush him, shoot him in the knee.

Wasn't it neat in the finale when there was coincidentally the exact amount of bad guys (3) vs. the exact amount of good guys (3), and each of the 1v1s happened to pit a character against the one with whom they had the most history with? And all of their 1v1s happened to occur far away from each other, despite taking place in the same building, so no one could interfere with anyone else?

Really great high brow show for only us high brow television enjoyers. God bless Jeff Bezos and God bless white people.

all the time at the gym he spent won't make up for the time I spent at the range. I'd just shoot him

mass repliers should be shot

>[Speech] Befriend Him

That’s been going on as long as there has been fighting in movies and television shows, like how they always match up the girl bad guy with the girl good guy.