Another brilliant kino from the absolutely fucking holy shit insane mind of Jordan Peele

Another brilliant kino from the absolutely fucking holy shit insane mind of Jordan Peele


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Am I the only one who thinks this looks significantly better than his his last two movies? I just wished there wasn't shoehorn politics in it

Us was absolutely terrible
Get out was passable
What do critics see in him?


The sky full uh wy pepo! Raaaann! Ayo dey hea! Wyyy pepo!

Wasn’t us panned?

It's going to be the same plot as Get Out, where whitey kidnaps black people and does weird shit to them.

Can't wait to watch this blackino with some tasty tacos

Because people didn’t understand it was about the band Black Flag.

The movie is about space white people coming down and colonizing california

Gingers are just albino niggers, good riddance.

I usually jump in with the jordan peele memes but this looks kino. Skinwalker ranch inspired for sure right up my alley

Quick rundown?

what if the real aliens were the violent crimes we disproportionately commit along the way?

it does, i mean Us is one of the worst movies i've seen. I liked Get out though. This looks ok, but if the plot twist is that the aliens are white people i am gonna laugh for 2 years

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>Am I the only one who thinks this looks significantly better than his his last two movies?
I agree.
>I just wished there wasn't shoehorn politics in it
I'll wait till it comes out to make a real assessment, it could still be good and interesting. But I don't think political commentary and horror work together. Like slavery is already scary and bad, how could a monster running around a plantation be anymore scary than just a psycho slave owner.

>slavery is already scary and bad
okay jew

Hard to be much worse than Us
Black directors get a handicap, also extra points if the film is antiwhite

What kind of self hating cuck watches these movies

>jordan peele from
What was meant by this?

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>okay jew

Jordan Peele from Earth, it's right there in the image nigga

You know you can just not watch this nigger shit, right? Tyler Perry's been putting out 10 movies a year for decades and they might as well not exist for me. Why would I put myself through the aggravation?

he's going to help write the next dark souls game

Ayo sheeeit so u b sayin yt man oppressed us n sheeit?!

Jordan Peele had so much promise, but the first 30 second of that trailer... holy hell is that awful. I'm assuming all these horses are going to beaten dead based on how redundant it looks.