His name is Tolkien

>his name is Tolkien
What the hell, bros?

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Worst episode since S20

formerly token

Well well well, look who chose to show his ugly mug.

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>white racists names the only black person in the show token
>now same racists tries to say it wasnt racism

That's not how you pronounce Tolkien.

>he actually got filtered by the episode
imagine having such a low IQ that south park goes over your head HAHAHAHAHA the absolute state of Any Forums pseuds

It was a joke making fun of tokenism by white liberals. Please go back to you bunker.

They fuck black women. You have autism.

It genuinely bugged me the whole time. Glad to know I was right.

It had nothing to do with white liberalism. It was a media joke. South Park was only tangentially political when it started.

is it?
since when?

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the joke about token's name literally took years for me to get because im retarded

Holy shit you got filtered by South Park. you NEED to go back

>implying liberals don't run the media
u wot m8
>inb4 jews

Since wednesday. The list isn't the only place where his name is written as "Token", btw. It's just a retcon like what happened with the City Wok guy.

why do writers just change old established facts like character names? are they really that out of ideas?

you know how I know you both didn't watch the episode? by how you're dissecting it. if you watched it you completely missed the point, so well done.

Does anyone actually watch South Park anymore?

I watched it user, I'm just answering user's question.

yeah the pajama day episode did well in cable ratings but then they dropped down


This is not a retcon in the traditional sense because it is meta as shit. Best episode in a long time honestly. Layers of satire to filter out retards on the left and retards on Any Forums apparently KEK.

I typed like a retard, let's give it another try: don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it. I'm just preemptively preventing seething by reminding people it's only South Park and that they change things up often.

why is everyone taking the joke this seriously?

Idk, there's some dumb fucking chuds on this website.

if you still watch south park kill yourself. except season 2, then you're cool
