All memes aside, where does it rank amongst the greats of television (Sopranos, Deadwood, Twilight Zone, Seinfeld...

All memes aside, where does it rank amongst the greats of television (Sopranos, Deadwood, Twilight Zone, Seinfeld, Twin Peaks S1-S2)

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better call saul is way better. Honestly BB is great the first time though because you want to know what's coming, but on a rewatch you already know what's coming so it loses it's luster. And it's not like Sopranos, Deadwood, Twin Peaks where you can enjoy other aspects of it (dialogue, scenery, comfyness, etc). BCS falls into the greats because of this.

bcs fucking sucks
the first two seasons were good and comfy but it really went down the shitter after s3 when it started trying to be a retarded version of breaking bad
also, i don't know what the fuck they did with their cameras, but s5 looks like dogshit

I'll be honest, I enjoy the Saul parts a hell of a lot more than the Mike and Gus/Cartel parts of it.

It's the greatest show in television history. I just watched 3 episodes of S4 with my dad a couple hours ago, we ended the episode before the one where Gus gets killed. We were both in awe at Walt's breakdown in the basement. How do you come up with a scene like that? Brilliant, plain and simple

I put it #2 all time, just a hair behind The Americans. While Walter White is a great character, no one on that show looms as large, no one really held the screen on that show the way he did, on The Americans both Phil and Elizabeth are absolutely magnetic and burn up the screen.

I rank it like 15th

That's a great show I never finished for whatever reason, literally have nothing to watch so I should probably restart from whatever season I left off on

the only thing i love more than the breaking bad cinematic universe is cock

Attached: breaking gay.jpg (920x613, 54.44K)

>we cant cook
>there is a fly in my mouth
>you need to get the fly out of my mouth
>jesse get the fly

Attached: breaking bad.jpg (1908x1146, 134.36K)

Attached: cheap copy.jpg (2458x3072, 570.46K)

shield fucking sucked just on the basis of how am i supposed to believe some bald manlet is some tough guy

Go back to your subreddit you fucking plebbitor.


Attached: sneed mouf.jpg (979x757, 72.65K)

enough of this embarrassing shill campaign and go back to red.dit. you already outed yourself as a regular redditor. shill that shitshow there not here.

keep seething breaking bro, i will look forward to your pasta thread later on today.

Attached: shane sneed kino.jpg (940x1227, 111.68K)

Some is a just an angry jogger, with an non traditional sexual, jogger son.

Attached: based.png (664x372, 243.54K)

Fuck outta here you fucking tourist.
go back 2 reddit. cause thats where you came from.

How am I supposed to believe a cancer patient nerd becomes Scarface fucking kek BB cucks have no right to claim bad writing when their show has a premise as retarded and gimmicky as 'Mr Rogers becomes Scarface'

It was pretty bad until Walter White discovered the One True Path, the Path of Allah

Attached: Jesse we need to fast.png (715x960, 337.06K)

Wait until you find out BB has a subreddit that's gonna cause you to short circuit.

Well i dont go to reddit though. but you shield shills are certified redditors.

keep seething breaking bro

Attached: based negress.jpg (404x344, 15.23K)

your favorite subreddit.
go back.
even that one image that you keep spamming once had a reddit filename in the archives.
fuck off back to plebbit and never come back

1. sopranos
2. better call saul
3. breaking bad

You should. It's well worth it for season 6 alone.

Kek nigga we know you use Reddit because only redditors have that site living rent free like this. Also filthy cunt nice deflection but you literally cannot justify the premise of your gay ass show. Gimmicky ass corny ass premise.

>gets called out as redditors
nice try.

Will do. Starting it up tomorrow, stuck at home with Covid

keep seething breaking bro

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Ahaha he's still ignoring it. Cope faggot. Can't justify your show's gimmicky ass premise. Watch as he responds with another