Will they be back ?

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nope, and they better not have Robert Rodriguez back either.

They are about to become the knights of ren.

No one's ever really gone.


If Robert Hackriguez comes back yes
If Disney grow a fucking spine and fire him no

they will probably be in Rian Johnson's new trilogy

I liked them, boba picking the dregs of society to be his new gang really was cool.

Did they really have the power rangers in this show?

Yes and probably get their own show or trilogy and sell millions of action figures.

my little sister liked them the most out of all the chracters. not every charater is written for you chud

idk the mod hipsters feel like something disney would push

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lmao is this what star wars is now??? ahahahah


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> Bringing your brand new paw patrol scooters into a dessert so that the heat and sandstorms ruin the paintjob.

I thought this was shopped when I first saw it. I can't believe this is an actual screenshot from the show.

oh you bes believe it

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When I was a little kid my favorite Star Wars character was Jar Jar Binks. Now that I'm older I realize he made the movie much, much worse even though I thought he was funny when I was 5. Adding shit for 5 year olds into a show/movie that's not for 5 year olds is retarded.

But your comment was bait anyway, I'm just bored.

i didn't realize spinning was so powerful. anakin was right

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only someone who was trans could come up with those bike designs

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