What is the kinoest Star Wars planet?

What is the kinoest Star Wars planet?

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naboo and it's not even close

bespin and it's not even close

Corellia from Solo was pretty kino

Alderaan but it's close

Are we talking about "kinoest" as in aesthetics or as in planets where kino happens?
The former, Naboo, the latter, Hypori.

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if you are over the age of 13 and still unironically like star wars you should actually kill yourself via leaping off of a tall building

Post ROTJ Yavin IV

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>kinoest Star Wars planet?
>Verification not required.

Tatooine! I can't heckin get enough of Tatooine! I want 20 more movies and tv shows all set on Tatooine! It's the center of the galaxy and the most hoppin place in the star war!

Bespin (Cloud City), it oozes of the retro-futurism aesthetic of the original star wars trilogy

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Arkanis, in my fanfiction.

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so there were people who lived literally bellow the jedi temple???

As a person who loves biology, I would say Felucia.

there are 1313 levels of Coruscant

>le clouds
lame, gay. gets mogged by ANY prequel planet
pick one, and it mogs bespin

goddamn redditors need to fucking get aids and die already so movies can be good again

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The temple is actually on top of a mountain.

Ossus, Byss, Nespis, Onderon, Vjun, Pinnacle Moon, Mon Calamari, Nar Shadda, God I love Dark Empire

For the ST: Exegol
For the OT: Bespin
For the PT: Kamino

Simple as


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Desert planet

>For the ST
Obviously, Crait

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Rebelshit will never be as kino as Sithshit, even in Disney Wars.

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