Going to be rewatching this film tonight. Tell me about Florida. And talk more

Going to be rewatching this film tonight. Tell me about Florida. And talk more.

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I miss living in Florida every day, but that's because I'm a bong without access to things like sunlight and nature and attractive women

wait this is not on that list

Moving out of Florida was one of the biggest mistakes of my life and it pains me every day that I'm not there.

such a fucking comfy movie, just people living their lifes
But i really hate that ending, i know it's something the director does on every single one of his films but it just feels rushed almost like he ran out of ideas and said "fuck it, the girls runs to disneyland and that's it", it makes me unironically angry watching that disgusting ending, like pic related

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It's literally paradise.

I'm from UK and if captures the very strange vibe I felt in Orlando when I went at like 13. Genuinely depressing lifeless place outside of the parks

>I miss living in Florida
said nobody ever

Didn't we just have a thread about this? Was it deleted?

>said nobody ever
Nigga just came out of a portal from 2014 twitter

I grew up in Florida and this movie definitely captures the feeling you get when you're in the non-fun areas, areas outside of the theme parks and far enough away from beaches that driving to them would be a chore. There's something unique about the low-income areas of Florida that makes them stand out from low-income areas in other states, but I can't quite put my finger on it. It might be the incongruous juxtaposition between the constant struggle going on in those areas versus the dreamy, almost ethereal feeling of being at Disney or the beaches. Which I think the film was going for to some extent.

This is a disney movie supporting degeneracy. It's okay if you are a whore. The mousketeers are there for your street urchin.
We need to wall in the poor. Don't let them out. I want to walk around my city alone. I'm sick of looking at them.

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Notice the fact he said bong, Florida is a tropical paradise for a nation of eternal rain. Florida man is preferable to acid attack man and untouchable groomer man, and culturally, Florida is also the ideal face of America when you consider the shows being exported at the time. Miami Vice is pornography to the depressed youf living in Piddington sharing a rusty Escort with dad/mom/a couple cousins

Every single yuro celeb packs their bags and moves to California or Florida the moment they can afford to, then buys a giant house and the loud burger models of their domestic V8's, it's a very instinctive anglo migration towards the light

It's proven that the shittiest celebs take root in California though and never leave their depressing city bubbles, where the cool ones go to Florida and go insane on the tropical overdose to get drunk/do drugs a lot. Mick Jagger absolutely used to phrase "sumfin like Miami Vice" a lot with realtors when shopping for his newest house

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That's just American urban planning

Florida is comfy and you've probably never even been, faggot

California is 10x prettier than Florida though and the climate isn't even comparable

you're retarded

>depressing lifeless place outside of the parks
Imagine thinking the real happiness is inside Disney World lmfao

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>There's something unique about the low-income areas of Florida that makes them stand out from low-income areas in other states

It's the wife beaters. The unofficial uniform of the Florida Man.

California has mountains. But California where most people live (metro LA or Bay Area) is disgusting. Posting from West LA as we speak

Florida is full of rednecks and niggers and kikes and spics so it's a very accurate microcosm of the hell that is America

>Florida man
The desperate attempt to make Florida seem like such a disgusting shithole that New Yorkers can't stop moving there and buying property. The redneck "white trash" wife beater Florida isn't even 10% of the state. Lol

Bro come down to OC, it's like LA except without the pozz

Nice house, but you still have to deal with the unbearable climate, boring flat landscape, the crime and the crazy people. It's honestly one of the worst places in the "first world" I could imagine living.

Where do you live?

I work in Anaheim



Good. Stay where you are and don’t move to rlorisa

Then why on earth do you live in west LA

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Wife bought her condo here many years ago and we are trying to wait out the mortgage. There's no aerospace jobs in West LA

>Come to Toronto, Liz! It's just like New York except without all the stuff!
I love 30 Rock lol

triggered floridacucks lmao

>There are Canadians in here shitting on Florida

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Just sell to some rich chink and come cop a 2 bedroom townhouse in paradise man. It's like a different world down here but it's not gonna last forever. I can't imagine showing my medical records to some restaurant hostess just to get a table

There’s no Disneyland in Florida

>(t. San Clemente)

They were alright for a week, but can honestly say I have no desire to ever return to Florida

I've only gone out to eat once and I just told the waitress I'm not showing her a medical card lol. She felt stupid. But yeah it does actually really suck here unless you live in the Palisades

as a phillyfag i always kinda wanted to move to florida

>no mask mandate
>bans employers from vaccine mandate
>warm all year round
Only bad thing about it is the timezone and flatness.

Found the faggot who believes every "Florida Man" article his mom posts on Facebook. Do a reverse image search on the FL man picture. It's usually some poor fool's mugshot from a dui charge that some buzzfeed type site took to use for their FL man story.


Great movie. My favorite Willem Dafoe role probably. When I was a kid my dad took me on a road trip to Disney and we stayed in some shithole like the motel in the movie.

Southwest Florida is based, I don't really get the appeal of the rest of the state though.
>North Florida
It's just Alabama but 2x more expensive
>Central Florida
The most soulless "there's no there, there" place I've ever been. Also it doesn't have a true tropical climate except within about a mile of the beach.
>Greater Miami
Literally the amerimutt meme in city form

My uncle has a condo in Naples and I really enjoy visiting him, the royal palms and coconut palms are so pretty and the beaches are filled with rich blonde midwestern tourist pussy. Love it.

>Literally the amerimutt meme in city form

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I think OC and San Diego have maybe 5 years left before they get totally overrun and mutted and trannified, at that point I'll probably pack up and head to Idaho or Utah. But it would be really hard to leave this place.

Small chunks of California look pretty and iconic, but leave those bubbles, and it's a fucking desert and/or dump, the rest looks no different than Nevada and Arizona, and as far as expansion goes, you can't do a goddamn thing with 75% of that empty land to begin with, because in addition to water issues, the state, feds, or Boeing own it, and aren't giving it up. They're pushing for more multi-family houses to escalate us into favela territory and encourage the death of normal homeowning, so it's only gonna get worse

LA and all of our cool/popular cities also only look nice in publicity shots, movies, or very situational framings, they suck to live in, and are smelly and smoggy more often than not, and then there's the whole fucking homeless surge

>the unbearable climate, boring flat landscape, the crime and the crazy people. It's honestly one of the worst places in the "first world" I could imagine living
You have described the majority of southern California and a good amount of the north, just add "a giant homeless population encouraged by our government". It's not an exaggeration when it's reported that every city in the entire state has giant hobo caravans and tent cities, and the vast majority are all violent junkies and rapists with serious cluster B issues, I'd say maybe 10% are people who lost everything due to shitty state policies, i.e. the "down on their luck and unhoused" phrasing that gets pushed as an excuse whenever someone tries to do something about it. For whatever reason though, we have endless safety nets and low-cost housing deals for illegals, with special exemptions for businesses to prioritize Spanish-speakers when hiring above all else

CA is in a slow decline, and while it's mostly socal, that cancer's gonna spread, and Oregon is probably going to get a lot more crowded

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good to see angie is still a whore