What was the news coverage like?

What was the news coverage like?

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Dancing, I was dancing and shot fireworks

>oh woe is me, how could this happen to me abloo bloo bloo
that's the jist of it


i barely remember they just wheeled the TV in like it was some grand tragedy we all had to see and i honestly just wanted to go to lunch/gym

it used to be on youtube but it got deleted for some bizarre reason

Don't cut yourself on all that edge kid.

whats with these vague nostalgia threads?

perfectly timed to gain maximum outrage points against Israels enemies.

I can remember a photo in the newspaper of a 'holocaust survivor' who couldn't have been more than 40 stating that the smell reminded him of the camps kek

>hey young kids we need to show you people burning alive on TV to traumatize you into supporting war for the next 20 years!

I remember my dad was like HOLY SHIT COME WATCH THIS user
and we did, all of it, live
fucking unreal when people started jumping out the buildings
possibly the most kino tv moment of my life

everyone knew it was muslim terrorists, but the news had to pretend it was an air traffic control accident

Dunno, I was born two years later.

This was the moment SOUL ended

I was 12, so what I remember most vividly was the news was airing footage with people audibly saying “shit” and “fuck” as the planes hit the buildings.

This was a more innocent time. It was really striking.

I was playing with toy airplanes on the carpet. Didn't really give a shit.

There was a website where you could see like 10 different channels in real time with a timeline showing the different events but I can't find it anymore, kino.

I remember the interviews with the NY firemen talking about explosions in the basement of the WTC

Will we ever get such a kino event again?
