Opie & Anthony were anti-politically correct, anti-woke, etc

Opie & Anthony were anti-politically correct, anti-woke, etc.

Howard was, and kissed the Hollywood ring. How did he win? They were fighting the good fight, we were supposed to fight with them. Howard put a gag order on them while claiming to be a champion of free speech, lied / distorted the facts repeatedly, and was consistently adopting the cringe opinion, even to this day - e.g. adults who play video games are losers, guys who watch wrestling are gay, no one uses the internet, political correctness is not bullshit but society "evolving", ppl should be forced to get the vaccine or locked out of hospitals, etc. Whereas O & A were against all of that.

Sometimes when I listen to old O & A clips I actually start crying. We were fighting the battle, we were going to defeat Howard, what the fuck happened and why did you faggots let it???

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>Opie & Anthony were anti-politically correct, anti-woke, etc.
>Howard was, and kissed the Hollywood ring. How did he win?
It's like some weird ass quiz where he reveals the answer first

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>adults who play video games are losers, guys who watch wrestling are gay
this is true tho

>how was the Jewish guy more successful in the entertainment business?
>I guess we will never know

But (you) had the power to stop it. We all did.

The boys were leading a revolution for freedom, rock and roll, and the American way. Why did we let it die?

whack pack era was good, but no thanks to Howie.

We didn't give up, they did

But that's literally a cringe boomer opinion. Completely out of step with Millennial or Gen Z thinking. I'm 28 and not only do I play video games but everyone I know does.

Because XM management was really fucking stupid, legitimately. They had a subscriber lead and a technology lead. Hell, they're looking to get rid of all the old Sirius tech in cars moving forward.

I don't believe "stupidity" had anything to do with it.
Money changed hands. Someone betrayed us.

The pests should devote all their time and energies to fighting Howard.

Eric Logan was a howard operative sent to sabotage O&A from within.

Meanwhile O & A publicly talked about watching wrestling and playing video games. Which is a lot more in touch with the culture and fanbase than elitist Howard who talks about watching Bachelor like your gay ass probably does

I am 29 i play video games all the time and it is for losers

How has Stern not been cancelled? Oh right he's a jew.

Based OandA obsessed stuck-in-the-past fan.

Sup my pests

As much as it pains me to say it, I now believe this may have been the case. I've even considered the possibility that Yim betrayed us.

I was always uncomfortable with his close friendships with the show's enemies, e.g. Mancow, Dice, and his unwillingness to criticize Howard. I posted an open letter to him demanding he account for these concerns and sent it to him on Facebook. Received no response.

the new lolcows are Cum Town

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O & A not only had a larger audience than Howard (this was covered up) but are objectively speaking the founding fathers of podcasting.

So I would argue they still had more cultural relevance.

Patrice dying was the beginning of the end because Anthony's racism levels were no longer kept in check by a 6'5 350lbs black man

>vidya in 2022
>vidya as a grown-up
You are a loser
All your friends are losers, too.

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bro i tuned into their live show once and they just werent talking

its almost as if..

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>/ distorted the facts repeatedly, and was consistently adopting the cringe opinion, even to this day - e.g. adults who play video games are losers, guys who watch wrestling are gay, no one uses the internet, political correctness is not bullshit but society "evolving", ppl should be forced to get the vaccine or locked out of hospitals, etc. Whereas O & A were against all of that.
one of the guys in the O+A pic fucks trannies, that's is very woke

It was the Trayvon Marin stuff where ant and many others had had enough