Well hello beautiful

Well hello beautiful

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how much drugs has she done in her life

fucking hell

Tranette no passto

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gee manittly

The genes that made Jake Gyllenhaal made this. Fucking surreal.

honestly she has a lot of great scenes in the deuce and she was an executive producer on it as well i think. one that springs to mind was when she was giving a dude head in a movie theater and a rat gets tangled in her hair, also when she's fucking some fat guy in a flop house and he dies halfway through

It's like she's made of slime, but not in a good way.

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I had to unsubscribe from him because of this shit. Imagine being almost 40 and painting your fucking nails.

Must be a SAG member


tell me you wouldn't

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she doesn't look like that anymore

god forbid you lost your virginity some day


worse still if you ended up being in love, or having children - instead of sitting next to a bottle of red wine every single day.

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Obviously touched up photo from years ago. She has a decent body by virtue of being thin but she's not what I think most people would call a natural beauty.

i hope that's not shelley long

Great actress, but terribly miscast in Batman. You need to believe Bale would go full nuVirgin for her. No dude, just no.

Perfection in the Deuce.

But if I want to see a beautiful woman, she is not it.

Like a holocaust memorial plane crashed into a children's leukemia morgue on an aircraft carrier that's run aground on a sandbar made of dead puppies

more like skelly not for long

>thinks the back and forth descriptions in deadpool were wit.

I've had sex and agree with op

I get your point. After this I'll never post again

push up bras are like manlets wearing lifts

How many decades ago was this