Why did she cut her hair short?

Why did she cut her hair short?

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it was the mid 90s

she liked having her ears pulled on better.

it was a different time

That phone just gave me psychic damage

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I don't remember this haircut until she had it, then every girl in town copied it.

Same thing happened to me. I also had a 90210 flashback. What a fucking shitbag show.

No need to put the hair up when she has to suck cock.

Short hair on women is fucking sexy. Not like buzz cut short or anything but OP's pic is hot.

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She said she'd never change but that's not truuuuue

How come there are no women in television and film that look like this anymore?

it's not a style non-asian women can pull off
it requires an exceptionally feminine face

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chemicals in tap water and processed foods

everything is pozzed and degenerate now.

This show is endearing and a lot more wholesome than the trash they make now

It's the same shallow vapid dumbed down cringe trash I agree. But with a sprinkling of extra cheese 1980s style.

It was bullshit phase the 90s went through and unfortunately we lost some good people fighting that was. Dammit short haired Laura was horrendous.

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....but long haired Laura....Daaaamn

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What a curious death.

zoomies could never

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Jennie could pull it off.

I don't really know what to make of zoom-heads. But that show was so hollow plastic cheeseball. Felt so 1980s. Whatever.


Tiffani was hotter

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Why do you keep saying 1980s lol. The show started in 1990 and was quintessential 90s.

So I could grab closer to the scalp while fucking her throat

I dated a girl that looked so much like her. But she got really fat so I'm glad it didn't work out.

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She has much better tits too

Yes she did.

It wasn't. It was a 1980s hangover, as was much of the early 90s. They still had mullets for fuck sake. Was so happy to see all that stupid shit go.

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How fat?

I could actually still bone that. No, the girl I was with got Architect size.

See the post below you.

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Tiffani was so hot. IS so hot.

Tiffani gained weight on 90210 and got hotter.