Why is the rating so low, Any Forums?

why is the rating so low, Any Forums?

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i really hate newspeak
>deep dive

ill deep dive your ass with my foot


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Finally, a show about being a person of color in today's world.

and it marries humor with history
my favorite

why is 'colored people' racist but 'people of color' is ok? i know it's nonsense but what was their logic?

this shit is literally why racism is at an all time high in decades

It'll be considered racist once a person they don't like says it. They're all just a bunch of pawns that wait to hear what to be outraged by next.

Everyone is busy hating on New Lord of the Rings instead of being outraged over whites are racist show #2872

negros change it every 5 years so when you use the old pc term they'll call you racist, also negro is what mlk used and if its good enough for that nigger its good enough for every nigger

>ayo we wuz slaves
>ignore the fact that blacks have been enslaving eachother for eons and jews were disproportiantly slave owners in the slave trade

>The docuseries marries humor with history
im gonna fucking throw up

nigger fatigue

>>The docuseries marries humor with history
I thought they were all comedies.
Sounds like history and humor to me.

>you WILL wear the mask
>you WILL get the vax
>you WILL live in the pod
>you WILL eat the bugs
>you WILL cut your dick off
>you WILL watch the anti-white propaganda
how about I'm doing none of them?

>revolt against the modern world
>become the Chad chud they don't want you to be

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ouch, no thanks!

endlessly based

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this desu

Based and Charls-pilled

colored people sounds more condescending, but IDK, I'm an ESL