Why are there no big zoomer names? Or movies? There is literally nothing

Why are there no big zoomer names? Or movies? There is literally nothing

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Timothée Chalamet

zoomers cant cope with the 90 minutes concentration needed to watch an entire movie

who is on the right?

>There is literally nothing
I wonder if the fall of rome has shitty gladiator contests nobody cared about
apparently Honorius only cared about his pet chickens as the barbarians descended

Who tf can anymore

That's William.

tomothy cruise

what a bunch of twinks

>look at all those BIG NAMES in the movie

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>recommend movie
>who's in it?

Because movies are all aimed at nostalgic 35yo+ manchildren and zoomers can't compete with that level of disposable income

Before everyone was chronically online we actually focused on things and put time and effort into getting great at them and experimenting to push the fold. Zoomer art is fucking atrocious and the companies that own everything don't want anything that isn't guaranteed to print money. Don't expect anything new or great from them. Just competency at the established.

>Because movies are all aimed at nostalgic 35yo+ manchildren
i think you mean women since they are so stupid as a gender they comprise 80% of consumer spending so they are the target audience for everything and have been since the 60s

>implying millenial soi-guzzlers aren't basically female

>implying that we disagree

Zoomers are fucking retarded and worthless. I have no idea how Zendaya, Tom Holland and Timothy Chalamet are A listers

because we live in a cultural ghetto incapable of producing anything new and exciting. my generation lives in gen X's trash can. we recycle all their ideas with a critical theory twist. star wars, transformers, ghostbusters, marvel... just add a few niggers and some BADASS women, and that's the recipe. even our big hits like Stranger Things are just heavily premised on nostalgia for a time we never lived in

Add Florence Pugh, Sydney Sweeney and Anya Taylor-Joy

Movies are dead. Videogames are dead. TV shows are dead. Books are dead. Music is dead. All that's left is TikTok and youtube.

>boomers still run every studio
>millenials/gen xers still make up most of the writing staff
>but its zoomers' faults