Cast him

Cast him.

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Um male Shepard isn't canon male, chud.
She's a red-headed female.
Therefore a black woman with play Shepard.

Uuummmmmmmmmm Don't you mean HER?

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>red head
Guess she'll be a black chick.

Mass Effect is just star trek for coomers and star trek is gay

she can be anything and it wouldn't be a retcon. however male shep is a terrible voice actor and if you played any of the games as him I feel bad for you

I don't like your snide insinuations

His face model. Sadly a bit too old for it now.

>play games
What are you, 12?

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Male Shep's voice is worse in ME1 but superior in 2 and 3. Hale can't do subtlety at all, her Shepard is always at 100% energy (does probably make her better for pure renegade runs, though)

femshep players give me big tranny vibes.

femshep fags must die

yes and I've still had more sex than you

>her Shepard is always at 100% energy
maybe it feels that way to you because male shep sounds like an emotionless tool. I actually think he's a better choice for renegade that's basically what a sociopath is


Getting raped by a troon doesn’t count.

Sweaty what? Your dumb brown ass?

>fem shep head canon losers still in denial
Pretty much everyone plays as Male Shep, Fem shep was an after thought, so much that her ME1 model wasnt even a defined unique one like Sheploo was since the beginning

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No, in Renegade she sounds even worse because it looks like a little girl trying to look like a intense warrior, Hale cant do intimidation with her voice and im taken out of it every time she tries

>we'll bang, ok?

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that's anyone who plays a girl in a game with a choice

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