Sorry, but this just isn't lord of the rings

sorry, but this just isn't lord of the rings
you can pozz the franchise all you want, but it will never be lord of the rings

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lord of the globohomo

Why be sorry when you are in fact correct.

The Tolkien Estate have literal been part of the production
As a result it will inherently more LOTR than the Jackson fanfic

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>tolkein estate
not lord of the rings

Why does she have gold spraypaint on her fingers and in her hair?

>"""""fans""""" want ugly women
yikes from me

Who's in charge of the Tolkien estate?

God I hate Americans so much, it's unreal. I haven't seen a black person in my whole life yet if you consume Western "culture" you might get the idea that you were born in Somalia.

>Why does she have gold spraypaint on her fingers and in her hair?

The dwarves are famed for their golden cheetohs.

Priscilla Tolkien (still alive) literally typed some of the chapters in LOTR for her father

Not sure, maybe Simon being Christopher's eldest but as I said Tolkiens daughter is still alive, just old

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This ugly nigger face is on Any Forums 24/7
I can only take so much

>how do we make a black person look regal?
>I dont know like just throw lots of gaudy, tacky, vaguely egyptian-looking gold chains all over them?

>wez in yo favorite mythology now, whiteboy

lookit her fat grubby sausage fingers. Arent dwarven women suppose to be ugly? funny they make them poc

i would have preferred a dain ironfoot spinoff over this garbage


I'd like to say that I told you this would happen when it happened to the witcher and tolkienfags were like "lol no this couldnt happen to a serious franchise like LOTR".

it's not just any black woman either they cast a hideous sheboon and plastered it all over the promotional material, they've become so brazen about their contempt for audiences

doesnt matter
still not LOTR

imagine thinking because some whore wrote a few pozzed chapters that were terrible interpretations of what he wanted that she now gets to dictate the franchise

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As a Tolkien fan, it is absolutely ok to love, or hate, or feel ‘meh’ about any adaptation of his works. LOTRROP is bringing us the Second Age. Tolkien didn’t write much for this era.

He writes in Letter #131 that he “would draw some of the great tales in fullness, and leave many only placed in the scheme, and sketched. The cycles should be linked to a majestic whole, and yet leave scope for other minds and hands, wielding paint and music and drama.”

Rings Of Power will fill out some of those sketches. It will pull bits and pieces from Tolkien’s volumes and volumes of writings. They *will* deviate from the source, in small ways and in large. Intentionally, or by accident. Changing the story for a new medium, a new audience, a new era. They do this with the permission and oversight of Tolkien’s family. It will not be a documentary of Tolkien’s books. We will never get an adaptation that is. I can only ask myself - does it fit in Tolkien’s ‘majestic whole’? It is a good story, well told and well designed? Does it entertain?

Do we feel like we are back in Middle-earth? That, I am excited to find out.


Hope they make a show about Whitekanda

>Do we feel like we are back in Middle-earth?

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