The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

Teaser Trailer:

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>39 hours


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424 likes, 3780 dislikes. Typical chud behavior

>rangz ob powah

Looks epic. Very cool stuff.

Thanks Amazon Prime™ community team

boy, I sure do love NIGGERS

And there's nothing you can do about it, tranny.


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Can this board survive this trailer?

Oh you're very mature aren't you?

Tha chikenwangz of powah

It's time to dilate your festering crotch wound.

Personally, I'm not too fond of NIGGERS

Peter Jackson must be spinning in his grave seeing his works turned into soulless trash.

I told a normie about how they made all the characters black and they thought it was stupid. It’s over.

Chuds win. That's what we do, baby.

They bought out a 2minute slot during the Superbowl to show the trailer
Gonna cost them ~$20m

The World is Coming to an end

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>Oh you're very mature aren't you?

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How do you see dislikes

I'm just gonna watch girls und panzer for the 11th time

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Chrome extension

Why do they even have a down arrow if you can’t see it are they mad?

They removed it because all the globohomo shit got downvoted

Throw tha wang of powa into mountcoom

Tranette no passto

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>3780 dislikes

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Okay you got me, I lied for attention. Happy?

die late

society is collapsing

I'm satisfied.

hehe now put the black dwarf queens face behind it.

Why did he do it bros?

well now we gotta make that number real

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The trailer is 10/10 btw
The Numenorean and Khazad-dum shit wil have you kneeling

>everyone knows this is shit
>everyone will still watch, promote and talk about it non stop

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chud bros...

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ok shill

fuck off incel

Yep. I just disliked it.

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Any good for someone who doesn't "Waifu."

Predictions on what they will show? I say Galadriel fighting a ice troll, Meteor Man (Sauron), Nazguls, big shots of cgi and

>This september


Bunch of negroes smacking lips

It's gonna be 2 minutes of gladriel killing soldiers and the dwarven kween twerking

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Mission accepted.

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how about I fuck YOU?!

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>So what, you offerin us some kinda Rings of Powah?
*Music intensifies*
>Celebrimbor, I want you to create... A ring of power
*Loud menacing trumpet*
>It's too late! Annatar's rings of power have corrupted the kings and qween!
*Amazon presents*

Didn't youtube deleted dislike counter?