Have a perfect opportunity to expand the Lotr universe and make logical sense where black people in middle earth hail...

>Have a perfect opportunity to expand the Lotr universe and make logical sense where black people in middle earth hail from
>do none of that

Attached: Harad_from_Amz_map.png (1568x823, 2.12M)

user, this would require putting actuall effort in creating OC cultures. It's just better to put randomly niggers among people and races they dont belong to

Probably. Also, they are afraid that it would look nothing like original films and won't capture nostalgia. Because we can't have nice things and have to nostalgia bait and also do tokenism/multiculti shit.

It's true. Tolkien's world offered everything you'd need to make an appropriate show in the eyes of today's audience. You'd only need some love for the source material, but these people don't have it.

I mean, the 2nd Age in particular. You have Numenoreans running around with an ever-growing hybris and all. You could even bring in the whole slavery stuff organically, with great characters and storylines that perfectly fit the setting and the lore.
But no, what the world needs is black elves and dwarves.

because that wouldnt be subversive. jews did this. theres no mystery about it. jews are pushing globalist agenda to erase whiteness. I guarantee that black elf will have a white love interest

>blackwashing brown people

>guarantee that black elf will have a white love interest
he actually has a SINGLE MOTHER white love interest.

Fuck no. Jews are all right. When Harwey was in hollywood with media all be okey. But when he gone, women are coming.
Executive producer of rings of power? Woman. Star wars? Woman. Witcher? Woman. Wheel of time? Nuff said.
Any queshions?
Women are ruining all that francises.

Attached: Mister_Maximilian_Cady.jpg (470x700, 43.15K)

Obviously black people would be from Umbar. People from Umbar being sailors probably enslaved blacks that came from distant lands just like in real life.

they will 100% go there anyway, you really think they will drop the white men colonising the brown/black men storyline?

>Could have a cool story about how the Blue wizards helped stir rebellion in the East and fight Sauron in ways we never knew about in the films
>instead we get diversity elves and black single mom dwarfs

>>Could have a cool story about how the Blue wizardhelped stir rebellion in the East
thats coming

Who the fucking target audience of this shit?
Kids? Adults? Everyone in world? Only usa? I dont understand, who s buy this shit?

Umbar is mix of black numenoreans (not actually black, just evil ones - King's Men), corsairs and haradrim.
Blacks? Not even sure they are a thing, I know troll men of Far Harad are kind of like blacks, but they might not even be humans.

That would require talent in an industry that’s full of talentless nepotism

Point is that you can explain it without brute forcing diversity in an irrational way. Even hobbits are related to men. It is not too far fetched that some nation south of Harad or Umbar has African looking people.

The target audience is white people’s morale and black people’s victim complex. The purpose is to tear down white people’s statues (literally in some cases) and demolish their sense of identity by taking everything considered to be white and either destroying it or debasing it. It’s Communist Jews with loyalties to the Soviet Union that are primarily responsible. It’s honestly so brazen at this point that you would swear this group of Jews was trying to do a death by cop type thing where they just a wave a knife around in white people’s faces and don’t expect a line to eventually be crossed.

>Obviously black people would be from Umbar
nah, Far Harad is basically Africa. it's not mentioned tons but it's a land across the desert where there's jungles and elephants

Not really. There’s so little information about places on the edge if the map you’d be basically creating 100% fan fiction.
At that point why not just make your own ip or use an ip with what you want in it

They are going to make fanfiction anyway. Except they are not fans so maybe fanfiction is not a right word here. Corporate fictions.

Black people are not from Harad, there is no mention that they exist at all in Middle Earth. They could be in Far Harad, which is much further south, but no one matching africans in appearance has ever been mentioned by Tolkien. There certainly wasn't any in the lands north of Harad, nor has any ever mated with elves. The idea of black elves, hobbits or dwarves is just pure mockery of Tolkien's work and the fans who hold it dear. Anywho, LotR is about ancient mythological Europe. Other people and cultures are not relevant to Middle-earth. It's like trying to shoehorn whites and blacks into Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Or using ROTK name but writing about Romans. That's not what ROTK was about. Nor is LOTR about non-whites, and it's incredibly entitled and disrespectful trying to shoehorn people and cultures into LoTR that have nothing to do with LOTR. There are plenty of stories about the Mediterranean, Arab and Islamic cultures where you could write about brown and black people. You don't take one work that is explicitly about western european culture and folklore and then try to shove things that have nothing to do with it. It's baffling that this is something that has to be said or explained. Amazon producer said LOTR is for everyone to justify its woke casting, as if it's some cheap trinket made in China for a global consumer, which is completely retarded, and as dumb as saying The Tale of Genji is for everyone just because it was translated into foreign languages and published outside of Japan. LOTR is European literature, culture and is for Europeans. Non-whites can find enjoyment in the work but it was not made for them or about them.

Unironically this. It’s just undeniable at this point.

holy based

>and out of Far Harad black men like half-trolls with white eyes and red tongues

ayo we wuzz haradrim an shit my ancestahs wuz sultanz and rode dem oliphaunts

Women have no agency, it's jews and you're too afraid to admit it

It's pretty far fetched that they'd make it to the lands of Dunedain or that they could settle there.