What was the beginning of their decline?

What was the beginning of their decline?

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When you subscribed.

Significantly less content. A few years ago they'd review most significant releases, do extra shows, and the occasional Plinkett reviews. Now we're lucky if we get two videos a month.

I still love RLM though, I'm happy they're still doing it because film has never been more trash and not in the enjoyable way.

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TFA review.

>Make one big hit that accessible to non-neckbeards
>it's funny, poignant and satirical
>get international recognition solely due to it


>fade into obscurity

WHAT HAPND? :(((((

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You've literally been posting this same shit for over a decade now.

the lawsuits

I'm glad they don't cover big releases unless theres something interesting about them. Do you really need them to watch tenet and say
>uhhh it's okay
most modern movies there's absolutely nothing interesting to say about them.

Your reminder that they get paid to talk about movies and you have to go to work or sign on for your bennies.


When Mike couldn't decide if he liked or despised the sequels

I want them to be quicker and more diligent about reviewing big name movies. Yeah, I know they hate all the marvel shit, but nobody cares about the literally who movies Jay likes. Shit on or discuss movies people actually watch


Imagine being Mike. Completely soulless, drenched with sorrow and smite. Always wondering when he will be rid of this terrible damp, the damp which has weighed down his heart like a waterlogged mattress.

Imagine being so jaded, so disgusted with yourself, that drinking 5 beers before filming any RLM series is the only thing which will make you feel half the man you think you are.

'Hahaha, yes that is funny' Mike says, under the intoxication of alcohol. Acting as if it is his natural demeanor.

His pseudo-smiles grinding together like an un-oiled cog, counting every second it takes to get through another episode of BoTW.

They need to post a new HITB, Re:View, BotW, etc. every 3 days. They would quadruple their views. It's not like most of these things are hard to produce, half of the time it's just them talking about random shit.

It was when cube head chubby girl disappeared and nobody ever revealed what the fuck happened.

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that rogue one review

complete hypocrisy

>pleb leddit memeia
>kike cucklasa
>gay blowsmen
>bitch evans
>aids moby

I wouldn´t know because I only watch good reviewers

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Best part of Half in the Bag was them reviewing stiff they absolutely hated like Paul Blart, Adam Sandler films and generic blockbusters. Now it's all about interesting stuff they like Midnight Mass or ironic funny shit like Bruce Willis garbage.

mikes rosy cheeks are so kawaii

when they stopped doing half in the bag