Why didn't you save him Any Forums?

Why didn't you save him Any Forums?

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Not my problem. He could become a blue-collar worker and study software development.

>balding very badly
>shit beard

I guarantee he got offers they just weren’t for the roles that he wanted

Is he white?
That's what you get for not being Jewish in Hollywood.


He's in that new Roland Emerich movie.

The only thing that makes me cum more than whites being unable to find work is hearing them cry about it.


kek you should talk to someone about that

I'm Mei now

he looks like an old toddler. Like his facial hair doesn't even seem real.

Happens to a lot of tv actors. Like the fellas from Lost. None of them got any work after it.

Evangeline Lily got into capeshit

>end hiring discrimination as a show of good will towards our fellow man
>they immediately start pressing for discrimination against whites

He kinda sucked desu

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because i want him to die

and Matt Fox was the second best thing in Bone Tomahawk

They all kinda sucked except for the ones who were known actors before the show.

he was typecast as the fat funny guy and will be forever for future roles
he should enjoy the millions he made instead of whining

>show weakness
>expect respect

He didn't necessarily suck, it was just a completely nothing kind of role: no big emotional scenes, no character development, no physicality required.
Just the upbeat tubby guy for 8 seasons. It'll hardly send the casting directors into a frenzy.

Gang & Bang

Wasn't he in that recent Roland Emmerich BOMB? They shouldn't have taken a chance on him if that's the case.

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He is the in the new movie Moonfall!
why didnt you watch it yet???

I wouldn't take a chance with him either. He didn't lose weight for the role of a lifetime. Game of Thrones was a massive show and none of the actors who were in it are ever going to land in anything bigger than GoT, and this fucking guy couldn't lose his weight for the role.
He is fat in season 1, he is fat in season 8. Where did Samwell Tarly get so much food on the wall? Same goes for Arya Stark. It's extremely off-putting when you are watching a character get fat not because of something in the story but because the actor can't stop eating kebab and drinking Irn Bru.

so why does he fall in the new movie

Notch looking motherfucker