What other films you want in 4k?

What other films you want in 4k?

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The other films in the Riddickinoverse, I think someone's already working on Chronicle.

Also, Jacob's Ladder if the rights can be got from Miramax, the current BD is pretty fucking dated and in dire need of restoration

Conan the barbarian and Destroyer
Every non Craig Bond movie

heavy metal 3

Weird Science. I'm hoping it fixes the static from the film grain. Predator 4k get to the choppa scene should be good to compare with the bluray but I haven't seen it. Jaws 3 is another one. Entire scenes are literally destroyed from the home video misinterpreting film grain as static. If 4k doesn't fix it they're ruined forever without some kind of a remaster. Film grain good. Static bad.

Attached: Haeckel's Tale.jpg (422x600, 90.95K)

The Terminator
The Abyss
Avatar (yes really)

what the fuck Cameron, tick tock goes the death clock

I too, just watched that South Park episode this morning on TV

Thief, HEAT, Manhunter
Also robocop, starship troopers and total recall got their 4ks, why not robocop reeeeeeee

porn from the 90s

kek, I know this feel.
have hope that one day Artificial Intelligence will be able to upscale crappy old porn into 8k

its not that far away lads.

True lies isn't even available on Blu Ray. You're getting none of those

Boogie Nights
Return of the Living Dead
Dead Alive only if Jackson doesn't erase all of the film grain

>Evil Dead 3 Army of Darkness
the other two are out, why stop there?

whats the hold up?

Scream Factory was doing Army of Darkness in 4k

Attached: 8gAZ4xVPWwtuO7A0ELDkIDTi75G.jpg (800x1200, 141.9K)

Hopefully Near Dark gets released soon

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UHF in 4k that movie has the best night shots with no static.

Robocop 4k is out on March 21th this year, oh yeah

>Thief, HEAT, Manhunter
Not if they're graded by Mann like the other travesties

Cameron is actively working on Abyss though, it's just taking forever. An update recently said it was still in the works

Avatar 4k is out Q3 this year to hype up Avatar 2. its also getting another theatrical release for the zoomers who dont know what Avatar is