I want $0 in cash, every day, for the rest of my life

>I want $0 in cash, every day, for the rest of my life.

Attached: coleman sneed.png (587x480, 434.66K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Janny you're the boss!
Janny you're the best!
They should pay you!
They should pay you!

Attached: 1644253500200.png (1280x720, 989.25K)

Jokes aside, they don't ACTUALLY do it for free? Right? There's no way someone would have so little self-respect.

No, it's just a meme. Any Forums is a profitably website with millions of monthly visitors. Who would work cleaning up shit on it for free?

I've heard that they will have their salaries doubled since next month

I love jannies, please undo my range ban so I can shitpost.

I will make you an offer, I will post threads for you

Why? Because fuck jannies

Reply with a pic and what you want posted

Janny, Janny, you do it for free
Oh, you don't know me, but you make me so happy
I tried to pay you before, but I lost my nerve
I tried my imagination, but I was disturbed

Janny, I got your labor
I need to make you mine
Janny, don't change your number


My range ban stops me from posting images too. If you can post this image previews.123rf.com/images/vilisov/vilisov1802/vilisov180200046/96573285-milk-explosion.jpg. withe the question, "what kino made you immediately need to bust?"


>I want another video game board, every day, for the rest of my life.

Attached: 1253815231.png (231x218, 12.84K)

Is this your paycheck Janny? Is this your paycheck Janny?

>Look man, did you-

user, please. Is this your paycheck Janny?

>Just ask him if he- Ask him about the thread, man

Is this yours, Janny? Is this your paycheck Janny?

>Did you delete that thread off the front page?

Is this your paycheck Janny?

>We know it's his fuckin' paycheck, user! Where's the fuckin' cunny you little brat?!

Look, Janny. Have you ever heard of Sneedville?

>Oh for Christ's sake, user

You're entering a world of Bane, son. We know that this is your paycheck. We know you deleted the thread-

>And the fuckin' cunny!

AND the fuckin' cunny! AND - we know this is your paycheck

>we're gonna cut your dick off, Janny


Attached: janny lebowski.jpg (805x467, 89.36K)


Attached: 1641234178740.webm (711x400, 1.92M)

Attached: wholesome kek.gif (300x182, 313.1K)

consider it up

Thanks user, you're the best, fuck the jannies


You guys are missing the best part, in order to be a janny, you have to give your personal details to the feds. Been confirmed by moot. And they do it for free.



some jannies started giving me 3 day bans just for the smallest shit, like slightly off topic.
so i discovered my router actually can change IP every time i restart it.
I must have gotten banned like 6 times in 2 days.
Im just trying to have conversations and jannies just went berserk.

im like "Dude...i have a job at home, money and sex. you retards work for free trying to act like reddit mods. i negate your power with a switch of a button"

He's a Janitor on the internet...


>we're gonna cut your dick off, Janny
Whether it's in this form or the movie, that line always fucking gets me

Something about the Dude's face with this text really cracks me up

Attached: Laughing homer.png (871x655, 749.83K)