What's the worst film you've paid money to see

What's the worst film you've paid money to see.

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scary movie 5
the last jedi

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I saw Alien 3 at an advanced press screening with my hot girlfriend whose mother worked for a radio station. They spelled out Alien 3 in caviar so I think I technically got paid to see it.

According to my ratings which are far from complete, Attack of the Clones is the worst movie I've paid to see in the theater. And not horrible, I gave it a 2.5/5

I blind bought Microwave Massacre bluray used for about $12 as I vaguely recall. I gave it a 0.5/5


King of the Monsters. When that bitch was giving her video monologue and used a nuclear power plant as the image to represent pollution, I would have walked out the theater if I wasn't with my friends.

The great wall

star wars 3

Never paid for a movie, but a friend of mine invited to see Tenet and that was terrible.

Even as a young teen, I knew it was absolute dogshit.

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The Day After Tomorrow

The day the earth stood still

10,000 BC

i was a kid when I saw this and I threw a temper tantrum when he only talked for 1 scene

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you slow your roll there buddy

Evolution was based, the fuck is wrong with you?

Movie 43

the one with Matt Damon siamese twin

300 part 2, whatever it was called

Alice in Wonderland 2010

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The Limits of Control at the cinema
and Crazy Samurai 400 vs 1 on blu ray. absolute dogshit.

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