A few episodes in and overall it's looking pretty good...

A few episodes in and overall it's looking pretty good, but god DAMN did they get Twi'leks wrong! Their accents are completely off. What kind of immersion they thought they were going to achieve with a fucking posh british accent on a dude that is fucking orange and has two bigass tentacles for hair? it applies to the others as well. It got me thinking is anyone at Disney doing ANY research before completing a project? There are games, there are movies, there are audiobooks even.
wtf were they thinking

Attached: majordomo-book-of-fat-booba-very-gay.jpg (1280x720, 152.73K)

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I thought twi leks were all sexy women

Maybe he was raised somewhere in which that accent was common. Not all of them are born on the same planet. But even if there were think ho many accents there are on earth, or even in one country.

This. The character explains that he was educated on Coruscant in diplomatic relations. I'm sure he did elocution as well.

No they are space-french, sexy women and disgusting males

Attached: Aaylaanakinashoka.png (1920x816, 1.07M)

another ultra cringe thing is the gayass basedass male choir that was chosen for the series' theme song.
>i turned it off at that moment
meme aside it's sooo bad and gay I can't bear to listen to it.
It's absurd how badass everything tries to look with the maori-mandalorian stuff,sandpeople and all warrior tribe shit (that they pulled pretty well imo) in combination with fucking male church choir singing "Oola-laa, la laaa"
Doesn't anybody remember pic related?
just hear that soundtrack for comparison:

Attached: sw-rc.jpg (1600x740, 392.24K)

exactly, they're supposed to be slick, slimy alien types with a distinct look and sound wich you can spot from a mile away
everything approved by Lucas portrays them in such light. What is disneys fucking problem?

Attached: image_2022-02-11_125547.png (987x783, 1.13M)


maybe in whatever 3rd world dub you get, but in the real world they are french

I'm not sure we're watching the same show but Boba Fett is by all acounts, not even good television, let alone anything Star Wars.

>british accent
I'm not even going to dignify that with a reaction image.

He turns out to have been from Coruscant which is why he just sounds like a guy from Canada
The voice not being gravely or French like is pretty jarring.

Attached: 71DAA9B0-19FB-4735-91FA-D54C43614384.jpg (1440x1080, 192.59K)

>I thought twi leks were all sexy women

'Sexy women'. Body paint and a pair of penises growing out of their head? Never change Any Forums.

>everyone with this race has this accent
are you fucking retarded?

You've never actually heard a British accent, have you?

>posh British accent
You might be retarded if you think that sounds British whatsoever. Also, he mentions his non-Ryloth accent in the finale. He went to college on Coruscant.

I thought all cats were female dogs up until I turned 35.

Bib and Oola existed in 1983 and both spoke Huttese and have movie-alien accents. Aayla Secura was the first twi'lek to sound French (in 2008 Clone Wars). Once again, OP is a retarded faggot.

>half of original Star Wars actors are British
>OP picks up an American with an American accent and complains about his "posh British accent"

Attached: CB26127C-764B-4049-909E-CBDC03A587AF.gif (389x259, 992.12K)

The only accent of a character they got wrong is a certain bounty hunter in episode 6

and she was a good friend

>A few episodes in and overall it's looking pretty good
You got through the third episode and you think things are "pretty good"? What the fuck!?
>a fucking posh british accent
It's an American accent you dumb fuck. Just the Beltway liberal variety.

i think that this guy is going to a recurring character in the show like the mechanic

To be fair, OP says he was educated on/in Coruscant

Dey wanna wanga

The Book of Boba Fett ripped this off


But to be fair, it does sound like they are chanting BOBA. Which, yes they also have the gay male chorus singing in their version