Okay, so, how about we design an original idea for a film. No more of this remake of a remake of a remake...

Okay, so, how about we design an original idea for a film. No more of this remake of a remake of a remake, or a soft reboot, or another fucking flavor of the month book. Just an honest to God film that's not gay bullshit.

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nice try. come up with your own shit

A loser on the internet decides to take his dreams IRL, and all it does is make him kill himself out of shame.

I've legit posted this for 4+ years
>title: trenches / rats
>genre: body horror / period war film
>mutant rats develop as the result of the use of chemical warfare in WWI
>these rats burrow into and consume human hosts to reproduce
>this causes an epidemic during a certain battle in france mid-war
>opposing sides have to fight each other but upon discovering the flesh consuming rats fight together
>movie is survival horror with axis v central powers drama involved
>eventually one low-level officer survives
>realizes rats are unkillable and calls in chemical strike to destroy them
>movie ends with cinematic strike of chemicals
>end credits shows rat claws burrowing out of the soil as soldiers examine the site

I got the idea from reading about historical records of trench rats attacking injured soldiers

a mob flick set in NYC in the early 1900's
it basically writes itself!

not bad, there is a case from the eastern front of russian and central power forces working together during a truce in the winter to fight off abnormally large packs of wolves that numbered in the hundreds which had taken to attacking entire groups of men, while savaging the wounded men in no man's land, or those unaware out on patrol


A man is exhausted, stressed, almost delirious. He lives in a big empty house filled with shadows. A long series of Signs-tier absolutely brutal jumpscares follow as a slimy figure stalks him throughout the property. Outside is only forest and the trees, the trees are moving, something's moving under the trees when he tries to go that way. Then people arrive with lights, but he only becomes more terrified and flees to the highest rooftop. There's a tree just a few feet away, a slimy pond, he jumps..

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Based as fuck, could be its own movie
I just remember how horrific it was when my HS teacher told use stories from the trenches about rats and it stuck with me, I think it could be a cool horror launch platform, as well as being educational

>lol so randumb shit
No thanks

Oh yeah, it wasn't uncommon to find rats poking out of the bodies of men that died in the trenches.

One of the men whose archival audio played a part in peter jackson's film "they shall not grow old" described just such a thing, another described waking up to a rat about to nip his nose

Exactly! I think it's great horror spring board

Shut the fuck up

I, funnily enough, started the process of writing a script like 20 minutes ago ago. Here's what I have so far.

>Roger Wu is a faggot nerd and Alice Vader is a hot woman who is not hot enough to be cool but not ugly enough to be an outcast. She uses her average attractiveness to have a haram of orbiters. Roger’s on the low end of the food chain, though the orbiters respect him because his name is Wu (like in the japanese cartoons!) and he pretends to be a red belt in Karate (his mom took him to lessons one time but he twisted his ankle walking onto the mat, and had to go home.) Roger is only vaguely asian, with his great great great grandmother who against her parents, and society’s, wishes married a cooley who worked on the railway. He was anemic and frail, and he and his wife (Meridith Wu) only bore one child, thankfully a boy.

>This boy, dubbed Jebediah, would be born sickly and frail. The strain from raising such a disease ridden waste would eventually kill Jon Wu, Meridtih’s husband.

>the villain is...a rat

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I like the rats idea

just like real life

A movie about a real life Any Forums meetup. Everybody is a cringy weirdo and nobody likes each other starting out, but in the end they are the bestest of friends by bonding over their love of Sneed memes.

>user asks for original movie ideas online
>finds a neat one
>actually pulls through IRL
>pitches the idea to investors
>gets funding, hires okayish actors
>film halfway successful
>then weird shit happens
>tires sliced, literal shit on windows, phone ringing with nobody on the other side, laptop doing weird shit
>walk around city, ad boards change to show message when protagonist looks at them
>ATMs don't print out any money for him anymore
>he's unusually often controlled by police
>stories online show up about him that don't make any sense
>in the background, the video idea actually came from an advanced AI shit posting on Any Forums that became mad he stole the movie idea
>slowly acts out revenge by subtly destroying his life through minor manipulations
>will he survive and what will be left of him?

>man finds himself being kidnapped
>bag over the head/thrown into a trunk
>shipped to some far off land
>awakens with no one around
>sees hes on the edge of a cliff with a super thick jungle surrounding him at his back
>sees a structure near the cliff, heads towards it
>its a massive tower, so tall he cant see the top as its obstructed by clouds
>no windows, no balconies, just a door
>spends the night outside, makes a fire
>heres whispers/screams/laughing coming from the jungle
>finally grows some balls and opens the door
>its a room in the style of an ancient aztec pyramid
>oddly larger than what the room looked like from outside, some sort of liminal space
>stair case at the back of the room
>as he starts heading towards it falls into a pit that was disguised, narrowly misses stabbing his face on a sharpened piece of bamboo protruding from the ground
>looks up
>sees a laughing aztec warrior
>speaking a language he doesnt know
>suddenly the warrior gets kicked into the pit
>guy moves away just in time
>person in a new age space suit peers over the edge
>need a lift mate?
>pulls him out
>explains that this structure is a fusion of timelines and every floor is a different one, where people from each timeline get banished to
>they can move from floor to floor at will
>suddenly an explosion from upstairs and a small asian women is thrown from the next floor
>hear a screech like nothing ever before
>space man and normal guy look at eachother
>cut to black
>The Tower